Attribute Macro psibase::service

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Define a psibase service interface.

This macro defines the interface to a service so that other services, test cases, and apps which push transactions to the blockchain may use it. It also generates the documentation for the interface, using user-provided documentation as the source.


/// This service adds and multiplies i32 numbers.
/// This is where a detailed description would go.
mod service {
    /// Add two numbers together.
    /// See also [Self::multiply].
    fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a + b

    /// Multiplies two numbers together.
    /// See also [Self::add].
    fn multiply(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a * b

The service module and the actions within it may be private; the macro creates public definitions (below).

The macro copies the action documentation (like above) to the Actions<T> methods. Use the [Self::...] syntax like above within action documentation to refer to other actions.

§Recursion Safety

The recursive option, which defaults to false, controls whether the service can be reentered while it’s currently executing. This prevents a series of exploits based on this pattern:

  • Service A calls Service B
  • Service B calls back into Service A

Service A may opt into allowing recursion by setting the recursive option to true. This requires very careful design to prevent exploits. The following is a non-exhaustive list of potential attacks:

  • A writes to a table, calls B, then writes to another table. Since it was in the middle of writing, A’s overall state is inconsistent. B calls a method on A which malfunctions because of the inconsistency between the two tables.
  • A reads some rows from a table then calls B. B calls an action in A which modifies the table. When B returns, A relies on the previously-read, but now out of date, data.
  • A calls B while iterating through a table index. B calls an action in A which modifies the table. When B returns, the iteration is now in an inconsistent state.

Rust’s borrow checker doesn’t prevent these attacks since nothing is mutably borrowed long term. Tables wrap psibase’s kv native functions, which treat the underlying KV store as if it were in an UnsafeCell. The Rust table wrappers can’t protect against this since it’s possible, and normal under recursion, to create multiple wrappers covering the same data range.

§Generated Output

The macro adds the following definitions to the service module:

pub const  SERVICE: psibase::AccountNumber;
pub struct Wrapper;
pub struct Actions<T: psibase::Caller>;
pub mod    action_structs;
mod        service_wasm_interface;

It reexports SERVICE, Wrapper, Actions, and action_structs as public in the parent module. These names are configurable.

§SERVICE constant

The SERVICE constant identifies the account the service is normally installed on. The macro generates this from the package name, but this can be overridden using the name option.

§Wrapper struct

pub struct Wrapper;

The Wrapper struct makes it easy for other services, test cases, and Rust applications to call into the service. It has the following implementation:

impl Wrapper {
    // The account this service normally runs on
    pub const SERVICE: psibase::AccountNumber;

    // Call another service.
    // `call_*` methods return an object which has methods (one per action) which
    // call another service and return the result from the call. These methods are
    // only usable by services.
    pub fn call() -> Actions<psibase::ServiceCaller>;
    pub fn call_to(service: psibase::AccountNumber)
    -> Actions<psibase::ServiceCaller>;
    pub fn call_from(sender: psibase::AccountNumber)
    -> Actions<psibase::ServiceCaller>;
    pub fn call_from_to(
        sender: psibase::AccountNumber,
        service: psibase::AccountNumber)
    -> Actions<psibase::ServiceCaller>;

    // push transactions to psibase::Chain.
    // `push_*` methods return an object which has methods (one per action) which
    // push transactions to a test chain and return a psibase::ChainResult or
    // psibase::ChainEmptyResult. This final object can verify success or failure
    // and can retrieve the return value, if any.
    pub fn push(
        chain: &psibase::Chain,
    ) -> Actions<psibase::ChainPusher>;
    pub fn push_to(
        chain: &psibase::Chain,
        service: psibase::AccountNumber,
    ) -> Actions<psibase::ChainPusher>;
    pub fn push_from(
        chain: &psibase::Chain,
        sender: psibase::AccountNumber,
    ) -> Actions<psibase::ChainPusher>;
    pub fn push_from_to(
        chain: &psibase::Chain,
        sender: psibase::AccountNumber,
        service: psibase::AccountNumber,
    ) -> Actions<psibase::ChainPusher>;

    // Pack actions into psibase::Action.
    // `pack_*` functions return an object which has methods (one per action)
    // which pack the action's arguments using fracpack and return a psibase::Action.
    // The `pack_*` series of functions is mainly useful to applications which
    // push transactions to blockchains.
    pub fn pack() -> Actions<psibase::ActionPacker>;
    pub fn pack_to(
        service: psibase::AccountNumber,
    ) -> Actions<psibase::ActionPacker>;
    pub fn pack_from(
        sender: psibase::AccountNumber,
    ) -> Actions<psibase::ActionPacker>;
    pub fn pack_from_to(
        sender: psibase::AccountNumber,
        service: psibase::AccountNumber,
    ) -> Actions<psibase::ActionPacker>;

§Actions struct

pub struct Actions<T: psibase::Caller> {
    pub caller: T,

This struct’s implementation contains a public method for each action. The methods have the same names and arguments as the actions. The methods pass their arguments as a tuple to either Caller::call or Caller::call_returns_nothing, returning the final result.

Actions<T> is part of the glue which makes Wrapper work; Wrapper methods return Actions<T> instances with the appropriate inner caller. Actions<T> also documents the actions themselves.

§action_structs module

pub mod action_structs {...}

action_structs contains a public struct for each action. Each struct has the same name as its action and has the same fields as the action’s arguments. The structs implement fracpack::Packable.

§service_wasm_interface module

This module defines the start and called WASM entry points. psinode calls start to initialize the WASM whenever it is used within a transaction. psinode calls called every time another service calls into this WASM. called deserializes action data, calls into the appropriate action function, and serializes the return value.

§Dead code warnings

When the dispatch option is false, there is usually no code remaining which calls the actions. The service macro adds #[allow(dead_code)] to the service module when the dispatch option is false to prevent the compiler from warning about it.


The service attribute has the following options. The defaults are shown:

    name = see_blow,            // Account service is normally installed on
    recursive = false,          // Allow service to be recursively entered?
    constant = "SERVICE",       // Name of generated constant
    actions = "Actions",        // Name of generated struct
    wrapper = "Wrapper",        // Name of generated struct
    structs = "action_structs", // Name of generated module
    dispatch = see_below,       // Create service_wasm_interface?
    pub_constant = true,        // Make constant public and reexport it?

name defaults to the package name.

dispatch defaults to true if the CARGO_PRIMARY_PACKAGE environment variable is set, and false otherwise. Cargo sets this variable automatically. For example, assume you have two services, A and B. B brings in A as a dependency so it can use A’s wrappers to call it. When cargo builds A, dispatch will default to true in A’s service definition. When cargo builds B, dispatch will default to true in B’s service definition but false in A’s. This prevents B from accidentally including A’s dispatch.

If the CARGO_PSIBASE_TEST environment variable is set, then the macro forces dispatch to false. cargo psibase test sets CARGO_PSIBASE_TEST to prevent tests from having service entry points.