Expand description

Documentation about the attributes available to #[derive(Protocol)].

Here is an example of #[derive(Protocol)].

#[macro_use] extern crate protocol_derive;

struct Packet {
    version_number: u8,
    magic_number: u8,
    payload: Vec<u8>,

Attributes that apply to items

These attributes apply to structs and enums.

#[protocol(length_prefix(<kind>(<length prefix field name>)))]

This attribute allows variable-sized fields to have their sizes specified by an arbitrary integer field in the same struct or enum.

Without this attribute, variable-sized fields default to having 32-bit unsigned integer length prefixes prefixed immediately before the field itself.

Length prefix kinds


When the length prefix type is bytes, the length prefix represents the total number of bytes that make up a field.

#[macro_use] extern crate protocol_derive;

pub struct Foo {
    /// This field specifes the length of the last field `reason`.
    /// When values of this type are read, the size of `reason` is
    /// assumed to be `reason_length` bytes.
    pub reason_length: u16,
    pub other_stuff_inbetween: [u16; 16],
    pub thingy: bool,
    /// This field
    pub reason: String,

When the length prefix type is ‘elements’, the length prefix represents the number of elements in a collection or list.

#[macro_use] extern crate protocol_derive;

pub struct Bar {
    /// This field specifes the number of elements in 'data'.
    pub reason_length: u16,
    pub other_stuff_inbetween: [u16; 16],
    pub thingy: bool,
    /// This field
    pub reason: Vec<(u32, u32)>,


This attribute can only be used with named fields. This means structs like struct Hello(u32) cannot be supported. This is because the length prefix field must be specified by a name, and therefore only items with named fields can ever have length prefixes.

Length prefixes placed different structs

It is possible for a field one one struct to specify the length of a field in another struct, so long as both structs are fields within a parent struct and the struct defining the length appears earlier than the one whose length is being described.

In this case, the length prefix field must be double quoted.



#[macro_use] extern crate protocol_derive;

struct Packet {
    /// The length of the adjacent 'reason' field is nested under this field.
    pub packet_header: PacketHeader,
    /// The length of this field is specified by the packet header.
    pub reason: String,

pub struct PacketHeader {
    pub reason_length: u16,