Module pros_core::task

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FreeRTOS task creation and management.

Any method of creating a task will return a TaskHandle. This handle can be used to control the task. A handle to the current task can be obtained with current.

Tasks can be created with the spawn function or, for more control, with a task Builder.


use pros::task::{spawn, TaskPriority};
spawn(|| {
   println!("Hello from a task!");

Task locals can be created with the os_task_local! macro. See the local module for more info on the custom task local implementation used.


  • A custom TLS implementation that allows for more than 5 entries in TLS.


  • An ergonomic builder for tasks. Alternatively you can use spawn.
  • An interval that can be used to repeatedly run code at a given rate.
  • A guard that can be used to suspend the FreeRTOS scheduler. When dropped, the scheduler will be resumed.
  • An owned permission to perform actions on a task.


  • Errors that can occur when spawning a task.
  • Represents how much time the cpu should spend on this task. (Otherwise known as the priority)
  • Represents how large of a stack the task should get. Tasks that don’t have any or many variables and/or don’t need floats can use the low stack depth option.
  • Represents the current state of a task.


  • Returns the task the function was called from.
  • Blocks the current FreeRTOS task for the given amount of time.
  • Gets the first notification in the queue. If there is none, blocks until a notification is received. I am unsure what happens if the thread is unblocked while waiting. returns the value of the notification
  • Creates a task to be run ‘asynchronously’ (More information at the FreeRTOS docs). Takes in a closure that can move variables if needed. If your task has a loop it is advised to use delay so that the task does not take up necessary system resources. Tasks should be long-living; starting many tasks can be slow and is usually not necessary.
  • Suspends the scheduler, preventing context switches. No other tasks will be run until the returned guard is dropped.