[][src]Struct proptest::strategy::TupleUnion

#[must_use = "strategies do nothing unless used"]
pub struct TupleUnion<T>(_);

Similar to Union, but internally uses a tuple to hold the strategies.

This allows better performance than vanilla Union since one does not need to resort to boxing and dynamic dispatch to handle heterogeneous strategies.


impl<T> TupleUnion<T>[src]

pub fn new(tuple: T) -> Self[src]

Wrap tuple in a TupleUnion.

The struct definition allows any T for tuple, but to be useful, it must be a 2- to 10-tuple of (u32, impl Strategy) pairs where all strategies ultimately produce the same value. Each u32 indicates the relative weight of its corresponding strategy. You may use W<S> as an alias for (u32, S).

Using this constructor directly is discouraged; prefer to use prop_oneof! since it is generally clearer.

Trait Implementations

impl<A: Strategy, B: Strategy<Value = A::Value>> Strategy for TupleUnion<(W<A>, W<B>)>[src]

type Tree = TupleUnionValueTree<(A::Tree, Option<B::Tree>)>

The value tree generated by this Strategy.

type Value = A::Value

The type of value used by functions under test generated by this Strategy. Read more

fn prop_map<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> O>(self, fun: F) -> Map<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun. Read more

fn prop_map_into<O: Debug>(self) -> MapInto<Self, O> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Into<O>, 

Returns a strategy which produces values of type O by transforming Self with Into<O>. Read more

fn prop_perturb<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value, TestRng) -> O>(
    fun: F
) -> Perturb<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun, which is additionally given a random number generator. Read more

fn prop_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> Flatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies while considering the new strategies to be independent. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map2<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlattenMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Similar to prop_ind_flat_map(), but produces 2-tuples with the input generated from self in slot 0 and the derived strategy in slot 1. Read more

fn prop_filter<R: Into<Reason>, F: Fn(&Self::Value) -> bool>(
    whence: R,
    fun: F
) -> Filter<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces values accepted by fun. Read more

fn prop_filter_map<F: Fn(Self::Value) -> Option<O>, O: Debug>(
    whence: impl Into<Reason>,
    fun: F
) -> FilterMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces transformed values where fun returns Some(value) and rejects those where fun returns None. Read more

fn prop_union(self, other: Self) -> Union<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which picks uniformly from self and other. Read more

fn prop_recursive<R: Strategy<Value = Self::Value> + 'static, F: Fn(BoxedStrategy<Self::Value>) -> R>(
    depth: u32,
    desired_size: u32,
    expected_branch_size: u32,
    recurse: F
) -> Recursive<Self::Value, F> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Generate a recursive structure with self items as leaves. Read more

fn prop_shuffle(self) -> Shuffle<Self> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Shuffleable

Shuffle the contents of the values produced by this strategy. Read more

fn boxed(self) -> BoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn sboxed(self) -> SBoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn no_shrink(self) -> NoShrink<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Wraps this strategy to prevent values from being subject to shrinking. Read more

impl<A: Strategy, B: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, C: Strategy<Value = A::Value>> Strategy for TupleUnion<(W<A>, W<B>, W<C>)>[src]

type Tree = TupleUnionValueTree<(A::Tree, Option<B::Tree>, Option<C::Tree>)>

The value tree generated by this Strategy.

type Value = A::Value

The type of value used by functions under test generated by this Strategy. Read more

fn prop_map<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> O>(self, fun: F) -> Map<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun. Read more

fn prop_map_into<O: Debug>(self) -> MapInto<Self, O> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Into<O>, 

Returns a strategy which produces values of type O by transforming Self with Into<O>. Read more

fn prop_perturb<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value, TestRng) -> O>(
    fun: F
) -> Perturb<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun, which is additionally given a random number generator. Read more

fn prop_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> Flatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies while considering the new strategies to be independent. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map2<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlattenMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Similar to prop_ind_flat_map(), but produces 2-tuples with the input generated from self in slot 0 and the derived strategy in slot 1. Read more

fn prop_filter<R: Into<Reason>, F: Fn(&Self::Value) -> bool>(
    whence: R,
    fun: F
) -> Filter<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces values accepted by fun. Read more

fn prop_filter_map<F: Fn(Self::Value) -> Option<O>, O: Debug>(
    whence: impl Into<Reason>,
    fun: F
) -> FilterMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces transformed values where fun returns Some(value) and rejects those where fun returns None. Read more

fn prop_union(self, other: Self) -> Union<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which picks uniformly from self and other. Read more

fn prop_recursive<R: Strategy<Value = Self::Value> + 'static, F: Fn(BoxedStrategy<Self::Value>) -> R>(
    depth: u32,
    desired_size: u32,
    expected_branch_size: u32,
    recurse: F
) -> Recursive<Self::Value, F> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Generate a recursive structure with self items as leaves. Read more

fn prop_shuffle(self) -> Shuffle<Self> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Shuffleable

Shuffle the contents of the values produced by this strategy. Read more

fn boxed(self) -> BoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn sboxed(self) -> SBoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn no_shrink(self) -> NoShrink<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Wraps this strategy to prevent values from being subject to shrinking. Read more

impl<A: Strategy, B: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, C: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, D: Strategy<Value = A::Value>> Strategy for TupleUnion<(W<A>, W<B>, W<C>, W<D>)>[src]

type Tree = TupleUnionValueTree<(A::Tree, Option<B::Tree>, Option<C::Tree>, Option<D::Tree>)>

The value tree generated by this Strategy.

type Value = A::Value

The type of value used by functions under test generated by this Strategy. Read more

fn prop_map<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> O>(self, fun: F) -> Map<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun. Read more

fn prop_map_into<O: Debug>(self) -> MapInto<Self, O> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Into<O>, 

Returns a strategy which produces values of type O by transforming Self with Into<O>. Read more

fn prop_perturb<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value, TestRng) -> O>(
    fun: F
) -> Perturb<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun, which is additionally given a random number generator. Read more

fn prop_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> Flatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies while considering the new strategies to be independent. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map2<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlattenMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Similar to prop_ind_flat_map(), but produces 2-tuples with the input generated from self in slot 0 and the derived strategy in slot 1. Read more

fn prop_filter<R: Into<Reason>, F: Fn(&Self::Value) -> bool>(
    whence: R,
    fun: F
) -> Filter<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces values accepted by fun. Read more

fn prop_filter_map<F: Fn(Self::Value) -> Option<O>, O: Debug>(
    whence: impl Into<Reason>,
    fun: F
) -> FilterMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces transformed values where fun returns Some(value) and rejects those where fun returns None. Read more

fn prop_union(self, other: Self) -> Union<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which picks uniformly from self and other. Read more

fn prop_recursive<R: Strategy<Value = Self::Value> + 'static, F: Fn(BoxedStrategy<Self::Value>) -> R>(
    depth: u32,
    desired_size: u32,
    expected_branch_size: u32,
    recurse: F
) -> Recursive<Self::Value, F> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Generate a recursive structure with self items as leaves. Read more

fn prop_shuffle(self) -> Shuffle<Self> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Shuffleable

Shuffle the contents of the values produced by this strategy. Read more

fn boxed(self) -> BoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn sboxed(self) -> SBoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn no_shrink(self) -> NoShrink<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Wraps this strategy to prevent values from being subject to shrinking. Read more

impl<A: Strategy, B: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, C: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, D: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, E: Strategy<Value = A::Value>> Strategy for TupleUnion<(W<A>, W<B>, W<C>, W<D>, W<E>)>[src]

type Tree = TupleUnionValueTree<(A::Tree, Option<B::Tree>, Option<C::Tree>, Option<D::Tree>, Option<E::Tree>)>

The value tree generated by this Strategy.

type Value = A::Value

The type of value used by functions under test generated by this Strategy. Read more

fn prop_map<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> O>(self, fun: F) -> Map<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun. Read more

fn prop_map_into<O: Debug>(self) -> MapInto<Self, O> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Into<O>, 

Returns a strategy which produces values of type O by transforming Self with Into<O>. Read more

fn prop_perturb<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value, TestRng) -> O>(
    fun: F
) -> Perturb<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun, which is additionally given a random number generator. Read more

fn prop_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> Flatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies while considering the new strategies to be independent. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map2<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlattenMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Similar to prop_ind_flat_map(), but produces 2-tuples with the input generated from self in slot 0 and the derived strategy in slot 1. Read more

fn prop_filter<R: Into<Reason>, F: Fn(&Self::Value) -> bool>(
    whence: R,
    fun: F
) -> Filter<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces values accepted by fun. Read more

fn prop_filter_map<F: Fn(Self::Value) -> Option<O>, O: Debug>(
    whence: impl Into<Reason>,
    fun: F
) -> FilterMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces transformed values where fun returns Some(value) and rejects those where fun returns None. Read more

fn prop_union(self, other: Self) -> Union<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which picks uniformly from self and other. Read more

fn prop_recursive<R: Strategy<Value = Self::Value> + 'static, F: Fn(BoxedStrategy<Self::Value>) -> R>(
    depth: u32,
    desired_size: u32,
    expected_branch_size: u32,
    recurse: F
) -> Recursive<Self::Value, F> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Generate a recursive structure with self items as leaves. Read more

fn prop_shuffle(self) -> Shuffle<Self> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Shuffleable

Shuffle the contents of the values produced by this strategy. Read more

fn boxed(self) -> BoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn sboxed(self) -> SBoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn no_shrink(self) -> NoShrink<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Wraps this strategy to prevent values from being subject to shrinking. Read more

impl<A: Strategy, B: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, C: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, D: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, E: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, F: Strategy<Value = A::Value>> Strategy for TupleUnion<(W<A>, W<B>, W<C>, W<D>, W<E>, W<F>)>[src]

type Tree = TupleUnionValueTree<(A::Tree, Option<B::Tree>, Option<C::Tree>, Option<D::Tree>, Option<E::Tree>, Option<F::Tree>)>

The value tree generated by this Strategy.

type Value = A::Value

The type of value used by functions under test generated by this Strategy. Read more

fn prop_map<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> O>(self, fun: F) -> Map<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun. Read more

fn prop_map_into<O: Debug>(self) -> MapInto<Self, O> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Into<O>, 

Returns a strategy which produces values of type O by transforming Self with Into<O>. Read more

fn prop_perturb<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value, TestRng) -> O>(
    fun: F
) -> Perturb<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun, which is additionally given a random number generator. Read more

fn prop_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> Flatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies while considering the new strategies to be independent. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map2<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlattenMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Similar to prop_ind_flat_map(), but produces 2-tuples with the input generated from self in slot 0 and the derived strategy in slot 1. Read more

fn prop_filter<R: Into<Reason>, F: Fn(&Self::Value) -> bool>(
    whence: R,
    fun: F
) -> Filter<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces values accepted by fun. Read more

fn prop_filter_map<F: Fn(Self::Value) -> Option<O>, O: Debug>(
    whence: impl Into<Reason>,
    fun: F
) -> FilterMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces transformed values where fun returns Some(value) and rejects those where fun returns None. Read more

fn prop_union(self, other: Self) -> Union<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which picks uniformly from self and other. Read more

fn prop_recursive<R: Strategy<Value = Self::Value> + 'static, F: Fn(BoxedStrategy<Self::Value>) -> R>(
    depth: u32,
    desired_size: u32,
    expected_branch_size: u32,
    recurse: F
) -> Recursive<Self::Value, F> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Generate a recursive structure with self items as leaves. Read more

fn prop_shuffle(self) -> Shuffle<Self> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Shuffleable

Shuffle the contents of the values produced by this strategy. Read more

fn boxed(self) -> BoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn sboxed(self) -> SBoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn no_shrink(self) -> NoShrink<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Wraps this strategy to prevent values from being subject to shrinking. Read more

impl<A: Strategy, B: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, C: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, D: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, E: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, F: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, G: Strategy<Value = A::Value>> Strategy for TupleUnion<(W<A>, W<B>, W<C>, W<D>, W<E>, W<F>, W<G>)>[src]

type Tree = TupleUnionValueTree<(A::Tree, Option<B::Tree>, Option<C::Tree>, Option<D::Tree>, Option<E::Tree>, Option<F::Tree>, Option<G::Tree>)>

The value tree generated by this Strategy.

type Value = A::Value

The type of value used by functions under test generated by this Strategy. Read more

fn prop_map<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> O>(self, fun: F) -> Map<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun. Read more

fn prop_map_into<O: Debug>(self) -> MapInto<Self, O> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Into<O>, 

Returns a strategy which produces values of type O by transforming Self with Into<O>. Read more

fn prop_perturb<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value, TestRng) -> O>(
    fun: F
) -> Perturb<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun, which is additionally given a random number generator. Read more

fn prop_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> Flatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies while considering the new strategies to be independent. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map2<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlattenMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Similar to prop_ind_flat_map(), but produces 2-tuples with the input generated from self in slot 0 and the derived strategy in slot 1. Read more

fn prop_filter<R: Into<Reason>, F: Fn(&Self::Value) -> bool>(
    whence: R,
    fun: F
) -> Filter<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces values accepted by fun. Read more

fn prop_filter_map<F: Fn(Self::Value) -> Option<O>, O: Debug>(
    whence: impl Into<Reason>,
    fun: F
) -> FilterMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces transformed values where fun returns Some(value) and rejects those where fun returns None. Read more

fn prop_union(self, other: Self) -> Union<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which picks uniformly from self and other. Read more

fn prop_recursive<R: Strategy<Value = Self::Value> + 'static, F: Fn(BoxedStrategy<Self::Value>) -> R>(
    depth: u32,
    desired_size: u32,
    expected_branch_size: u32,
    recurse: F
) -> Recursive<Self::Value, F> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Generate a recursive structure with self items as leaves. Read more

fn prop_shuffle(self) -> Shuffle<Self> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Shuffleable

Shuffle the contents of the values produced by this strategy. Read more

fn boxed(self) -> BoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn sboxed(self) -> SBoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn no_shrink(self) -> NoShrink<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Wraps this strategy to prevent values from being subject to shrinking. Read more

impl<A: Strategy, B: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, C: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, D: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, E: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, F: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, G: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, H: Strategy<Value = A::Value>> Strategy for TupleUnion<(W<A>, W<B>, W<C>, W<D>, W<E>, W<F>, W<G>, W<H>)>[src]

type Tree = TupleUnionValueTree<(A::Tree, Option<B::Tree>, Option<C::Tree>, Option<D::Tree>, Option<E::Tree>, Option<F::Tree>, Option<G::Tree>, Option<H::Tree>)>

The value tree generated by this Strategy.

type Value = A::Value

The type of value used by functions under test generated by this Strategy. Read more

fn prop_map<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> O>(self, fun: F) -> Map<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun. Read more

fn prop_map_into<O: Debug>(self) -> MapInto<Self, O> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Into<O>, 

Returns a strategy which produces values of type O by transforming Self with Into<O>. Read more

fn prop_perturb<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value, TestRng) -> O>(
    fun: F
) -> Perturb<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun, which is additionally given a random number generator. Read more

fn prop_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> Flatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies while considering the new strategies to be independent. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map2<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlattenMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Similar to prop_ind_flat_map(), but produces 2-tuples with the input generated from self in slot 0 and the derived strategy in slot 1. Read more

fn prop_filter<R: Into<Reason>, F: Fn(&Self::Value) -> bool>(
    whence: R,
    fun: F
) -> Filter<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces values accepted by fun. Read more

fn prop_filter_map<F: Fn(Self::Value) -> Option<O>, O: Debug>(
    whence: impl Into<Reason>,
    fun: F
) -> FilterMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces transformed values where fun returns Some(value) and rejects those where fun returns None. Read more

fn prop_union(self, other: Self) -> Union<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which picks uniformly from self and other. Read more

fn prop_recursive<R: Strategy<Value = Self::Value> + 'static, F: Fn(BoxedStrategy<Self::Value>) -> R>(
    depth: u32,
    desired_size: u32,
    expected_branch_size: u32,
    recurse: F
) -> Recursive<Self::Value, F> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Generate a recursive structure with self items as leaves. Read more

fn prop_shuffle(self) -> Shuffle<Self> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Shuffleable

Shuffle the contents of the values produced by this strategy. Read more

fn boxed(self) -> BoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn sboxed(self) -> SBoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn no_shrink(self) -> NoShrink<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Wraps this strategy to prevent values from being subject to shrinking. Read more

impl<A: Strategy, B: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, C: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, D: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, E: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, F: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, G: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, H: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, I: Strategy<Value = A::Value>> Strategy for TupleUnion<(W<A>, W<B>, W<C>, W<D>, W<E>, W<F>, W<G>, W<H>, W<I>)>[src]

type Tree = TupleUnionValueTree<(A::Tree, Option<B::Tree>, Option<C::Tree>, Option<D::Tree>, Option<E::Tree>, Option<F::Tree>, Option<G::Tree>, Option<H::Tree>, Option<I::Tree>)>

The value tree generated by this Strategy.

type Value = A::Value

The type of value used by functions under test generated by this Strategy. Read more

fn prop_map<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> O>(self, fun: F) -> Map<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun. Read more

fn prop_map_into<O: Debug>(self) -> MapInto<Self, O> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Into<O>, 

Returns a strategy which produces values of type O by transforming Self with Into<O>. Read more

fn prop_perturb<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value, TestRng) -> O>(
    fun: F
) -> Perturb<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun, which is additionally given a random number generator. Read more

fn prop_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> Flatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies while considering the new strategies to be independent. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map2<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlattenMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Similar to prop_ind_flat_map(), but produces 2-tuples with the input generated from self in slot 0 and the derived strategy in slot 1. Read more

fn prop_filter<R: Into<Reason>, F: Fn(&Self::Value) -> bool>(
    whence: R,
    fun: F
) -> Filter<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces values accepted by fun. Read more

fn prop_filter_map<F: Fn(Self::Value) -> Option<O>, O: Debug>(
    whence: impl Into<Reason>,
    fun: F
) -> FilterMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces transformed values where fun returns Some(value) and rejects those where fun returns None. Read more

fn prop_union(self, other: Self) -> Union<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which picks uniformly from self and other. Read more

fn prop_recursive<R: Strategy<Value = Self::Value> + 'static, F: Fn(BoxedStrategy<Self::Value>) -> R>(
    depth: u32,
    desired_size: u32,
    expected_branch_size: u32,
    recurse: F
) -> Recursive<Self::Value, F> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Generate a recursive structure with self items as leaves. Read more

fn prop_shuffle(self) -> Shuffle<Self> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Shuffleable

Shuffle the contents of the values produced by this strategy. Read more

fn boxed(self) -> BoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn sboxed(self) -> SBoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn no_shrink(self) -> NoShrink<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Wraps this strategy to prevent values from being subject to shrinking. Read more

impl<A: Strategy, B: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, C: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, D: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, E: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, F: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, G: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, H: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, I: Strategy<Value = A::Value>, J: Strategy<Value = A::Value>> Strategy for TupleUnion<(W<A>, W<B>, W<C>, W<D>, W<E>, W<F>, W<G>, W<H>, W<I>, W<J>)>[src]

type Tree = TupleUnionValueTree<(A::Tree, Option<B::Tree>, Option<C::Tree>, Option<D::Tree>, Option<E::Tree>, Option<F::Tree>, Option<G::Tree>, Option<H::Tree>, Option<I::Tree>, Option<J::Tree>)>

The value tree generated by this Strategy.

type Value = A::Value

The type of value used by functions under test generated by this Strategy. Read more

fn prop_map<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> O>(self, fun: F) -> Map<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun. Read more

fn prop_map_into<O: Debug>(self) -> MapInto<Self, O> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Into<O>, 

Returns a strategy which produces values of type O by transforming Self with Into<O>. Read more

fn prop_perturb<O: Debug, F: Fn(Self::Value, TestRng) -> O>(
    fun: F
) -> Perturb<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which produces values transformed by the function fun, which is additionally given a random number generator. Read more

fn prop_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> Flatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlatten<Map<Self, F>> where
    Self: Sized

Maps values produced by this strategy into new strategies and picks values from those strategies while considering the new strategies to be independent. Read more

fn prop_ind_flat_map2<S: Strategy, F: Fn(Self::Value) -> S>(
    fun: F
) -> IndFlattenMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Similar to prop_ind_flat_map(), but produces 2-tuples with the input generated from self in slot 0 and the derived strategy in slot 1. Read more

fn prop_filter<R: Into<Reason>, F: Fn(&Self::Value) -> bool>(
    whence: R,
    fun: F
) -> Filter<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces values accepted by fun. Read more

fn prop_filter_map<F: Fn(Self::Value) -> Option<O>, O: Debug>(
    whence: impl Into<Reason>,
    fun: F
) -> FilterMap<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which only produces transformed values where fun returns Some(value) and rejects those where fun returns None. Read more

fn prop_union(self, other: Self) -> Union<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Returns a strategy which picks uniformly from self and other. Read more

fn prop_recursive<R: Strategy<Value = Self::Value> + 'static, F: Fn(BoxedStrategy<Self::Value>) -> R>(
    depth: u32,
    desired_size: u32,
    expected_branch_size: u32,
    recurse: F
) -> Recursive<Self::Value, F> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Generate a recursive structure with self items as leaves. Read more

fn prop_shuffle(self) -> Shuffle<Self> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Value: Shuffleable

Shuffle the contents of the values produced by this strategy. Read more

fn boxed(self) -> BoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn sboxed(self) -> SBoxedStrategy<Self::Value> where
    Self: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static, 

Erases the type of this Strategy so it can be passed around as a simple trait object. Read more

fn no_shrink(self) -> NoShrink<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Wraps this strategy to prevent values from being subject to shrinking. Read more

impl<T: Clone> Clone for TupleUnion<T>[src]

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<T: Copy> Copy for TupleUnion<T>[src]

impl<T: Debug> Debug for TupleUnion<T>[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<T> Send for TupleUnion<T> where
    T: Send

impl<T> Sync for TupleUnion<T> where
    T: Sync

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> From for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryFrom for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> Into for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> Borrow for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T