Crate prophet [] [src]

A neural net implementation focused on performance.

This library features a simple interface to a neural net, which exists mainly of two functions that are defined as traits within the module neural_net.

A neural network can be trained by giving it some input data and some expected target values. This is called managed learning because the user of the library has to feed the network with the expected results. After several iterations the neural net might improve itself and will eventually improve at predicting the expected results.

    fn train(&mut self, input: &[f32], expected: &[f32]) -> ErrorStats;

After a successful training session, the user might be able to use the neural net to predict expected values.

    fn predict(&mut self, input: &[f32]) -> &[f32];


The code below demonstrates how to train a neural net to be a logical-OR operator.

use prophet::prelude::*;

let config  = LearnConfig::new(
    0.25,                // learning_rate
    0.5,                 // learning_momentum
    ActivationFn::tanh() // activation function + derivate
let mut net = ConvNeuralNet::new(config, &[2, 3, 2, 1]);
// layer_sizes: - input layer which expects two values
//              - two hidden layers with 3 and 2 neurons
//              - output layer with one neuron
// now train the neural net how to be an OR-operator
let f = -1.0; // represents false
let t =  1.0; // represents true
for _ in 0..1000 { // make some iterations
    net.train(&[f, f], &[f]); // ⊥ ∧ ⊥ → ⊥
    net.train(&[f, t], &[t]); // ⊥ ∧ ⊤ → ⊤
    net.train(&[t, f], &[t]); // ⊤ ∧ ⊥ → ⊤
    net.train(&[t, t], &[t]); // ⊤ ∧ ⊤ → ⊤
// check if the neural net has successfully learned it by checking how close
// the latest ```avg_error``` is to ```0.0```:
assert!(net.latest_error_stats().avg_error() < 0.05);



Provides utility functionality when working with common activation (or transfer) functions.


An implementation of a neural network that can be used to learn from target data and to predict results after feeding it some training data.


Provides an implementation and interface for users of neural networks to learn about their learning state and process during training sessions.


Provides an implementation and interface to work with learning configurations for neural net and layer implemenations.


The prophet prelude publicly imports all propet modules the user needs in order to create, train and use neural networks.


Provides traits to serve as common interface for neural network implementations.