Crate proof_gen

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This library is intended to generate proofs with the plonky2 zkEVM, given transactions provided in Intermediate Representation (IR) format.

The exact format of this IR is defined by the GenerationInputs used by the zkEVM prover, containing an RLP-encoded transaction along with state metadata prior and post execution of this transaction.


First, a prover needs to initialize its ProverState. For this, one can use the ProverStateBuilder, which contains the ranges to be used by all internal STARK tables of the zkEVM.

The default method contains an initial set of ranges for each table, that can be overridden at will by calling ProverStateBuilder::set_foo_circuit_size where foo is the name of the targeted table. At the moment, plonky2 zkEVM contains seven tables: arithmetic, byte_packing, cpu, keccak, keccak_sponge, logic and memory.

    let mut builder = ProverStateBuilder::default();
    // Change Cpu and Memory tables supported ranges.
    let builder = builder

    // Generate a `ProverState` from the builder.
    let prover_state =;

NOTE: All the circuits to generate the different kind of proofs, from transaction proofs to block proofs, are specific to the initial set of ranges selected for each table. Changing one of them will require building a new ProverState, and will make all previously generated proofs incompatible with the new state. Make sure you select sufficiently large ranges for your application!

Once all circuits have been pre-processed, a prover can now generate proofs from inputs passed as Intermediary Representation.

This library handles the 3 kinds of proof generations necessary for the zkEVM:

§Transaction proofs

From a ProverState and a transaction processed with some metadata in Intermediate Representation, one can obtain a transaction proof by calling the method below:

 pub fn generate_txn_proof(
    p_state: &ProverState,
    gen_inputs: GenerationInputs,
    abort_signal: Option<Arc<AtomicBool>>,
) -> ProofGenResult<GeneratedTxnProof> { ... }

The obtained GeneratedTxnProof contains the actual proof and some additional data to be used when aggregating this transaction with others.

§Aggregation proofs

Two proofs can be aggregated together with a ProverState. These child proofs can either be transaction proofs, or aggregated proofs themselves. This library abstracts their type behind an AggregatableProof enum.

 pub fn generate_agg_proof(
    p_state: &ProverState,
    lhs_child: &AggregatableProof,
    rhs_child: &AggregatableProof,
) -> ProofGenResult<GeneratedAggProof> { ... }

§Block proofs

Once the prover has obtained a GeneratedAggProof corresponding to the entire set of transactions within a block, they can then wrap it into a final GeneratedBlockProof. The prover can pass an optional previous block proof as argument to the generate_block_proof method, to combine both statement into one, effectively proving an entire chain from genesis through a single final proof.

 pub fn generate_block_proof(
    p_state: &ProverState,
    prev_opt_parent_b_proof: Option<&GeneratedBlockProof>,
    curr_block_agg_proof: &GeneratedAggProof,
) -> ProofGenResult<GeneratedBlockProof> { ... }

§Verifying block proofs

The ProverState can be used to verify any block proofs emitted with the same set of circuits. However, because the prover state can be quite heavy, the necessary verifier data to verify block proofs can be saved independently into a VerifierState, to allow anyone to easily verify block proofs.

    let mut builder = ProverStateBuilder::default();

    // Generate a `ProverState` from the builder.
    let prover_state =;

    // Derive a `VerifierState` from the `ProverState`.
    let verifier_state: VerifierState = prover_state.into();

    // The prover generates some block proof.
    let block_proof = prover_state.generate_block_proof(...);
    // Have the verifier attest validity of the proof.



  • This module defines the proof generation methods corresponding to the three types of proofs the zkEVM internally handles.
  • This module defines the various proof types used throughout the block proof generation process.
  • This module defines the ProverState, that contains all pre-processed circuits necessary to handle arbitrary transaction proving and proof aggregation to generate succinct block proofs attesting validity of an entire EVM-based chain.
  • This module contains type aliases and custom Error definition for convenient proof generation.
  • This module defines the VerifierState, that contains the necessary data to handle succinct block proofs verification.