Module promql_rs::ast

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  • The aggregation modifier can be used to indicate the aggregation operators to use or exclude certain dimensions.
  • Aggregation operators can be used to aggregate the elements of a single vector, resulting in a new vector of fewer elements with aggregated values.
  • The @ modifier allows changing the evaluation time for individual instant and range vectors in a query. The time supplied is a UNIX timestamp or start()/end().
  • Binary operators can do logical and arithmetic operations or comparisons.
  • The enumaration of all expression types.
  • Match operators are used to compare a label value in a selector with a literal value or a regular expression.
  • Unary operators.
  • The enumaration of all value types.
  • Describes the cardinality relashionship of two vectors in a binary operation.
  • Describes how two vectors in a binary operation are supposed to be grouped.