initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Pollresult","Result of calling `Future.poll()`."]],"fn":[["all","Return a Future of all values in an iterator of `Future`s."],["all_with","Return a Future of all values in an iterator of `Future`s."],["any","Return first available `Future` from an iterator of `Future`s."],["future_promise","Construct a `Future`/`Promise` pair."]],"struct":[["Future","An undetermined value."],["FutureIter","Blocking iterator for the value of a `Future`. Returns either 0 or 1 values."],["FutureStream","Stream of multiple `Future`s"],["FutureStreamIter","Iterator for completed `Future`s in a `FutureStream`. The iterator incrementally returns values from resolved `Future`s, blocking while there are no unresolved `Future`s. `Future`s which resolve to no value are discarded."],["Promise","A box for resolving a `Future`."],["ThreadSpawner","An implementation of `Spawner` that creates normal `std::thread` threads."]],"trait":[["Spawner","A trait for spawning threads."]]});