var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["promises"] = {"doc":"Promises in Rust.\nSee the `Promise` struct for more details.","items":[[3,"Promise","promises","A promise is a way of doing work in the background. The promises in\nthis library have the same featureset as those in Ecmascript 5.",null,null],[11,"then","","Chains a function to be called after this promise resolves.",0,null],[11,"then_result","","Chains a function to be called after this promise resolves,\nusing a `Result` type.",0,null],[11,"new","","Creates a new promsie, which will eventually resolve to one of the\nvalues of the `Result<T, E>` type.",0,null],[11,"race","","Applies a promise to the first of some promises to become fulfilled.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"vec"}],"output":{"name":"promise"}}],[11,"all","","Calls a function with the result of all of the promises, or the error\nof the first promise to error.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"vec"}],"output":{"name":"promise"}}],[11,"resolve","","Creates a promise that resolves to a value",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"t"}],"output":{"name":"promise"}}],[11,"reject","","Creates a promise that resolves to an error.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"e"}],"output":{"name":"promise"}}],[11,"from_result","","Creates a new promise that will resolve to the result value.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"result"}],"output":{"name":"promise"}}]],"paths":[[3,"Promise"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);