Type Definition proj_sys::proj_network_read_range_type[][src]

type proj_network_read_range_type = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(ctx: *mut PJ_CONTEXT, handle: *mut PROJ_NETWORK_HANDLE, offset: c_ulonglong, size_to_read: usize, buffer: *mut c_void, error_string_max_size: usize, out_error_string: *mut c_char, user_data: *mut c_void) -> usize>;
Expand description

Network access: read range

Read size_to_read bytes from handle, starting at offset, into buffer. During this read, the implementation should make sure to store the HTTP headers from the server response to be able to respond to proj_network_get_header_value_cbk_type callback.

error_string_max_size should be the maximum size that can be written into the out_error_string buffer (including terminating nul character).

@return the number of bytes actually read (0 in case of error)