Macro process_image::process_image

source ·
macro_rules! process_image {
        $( #[$meta:meta] )*
        $vis:vis struct $ProcessImage:ident, mut $ProcessImageMut:ident: $SIZE:literal {
                $( #[$field_meta:meta] )*
                $field_vis:vis $field_name:ident: ($($tag:tt)+)
    ) => { ... };
        $( #[$meta:meta] )*
        $vis:vis struct mut $ProcessImageMut:ident: $SIZE:literal {
                $( #[$field_meta:meta] )*
                $field_vis:vis $field_name:ident: ($($tag:tt)+)
    ) => { ... };
        $( #[$meta:meta] )*
        $vis:vis struct $ProcessImage:ident: $SIZE:literal {
                $( #[$field_meta:meta] )*
                $field_vis:vis $field_name:ident: ($($tag:tt)+)
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Build tag table for symbolic access to a process image.

  • You will get two structs, one for mutable and one for immutable access (or just one of them, if you want).
  • The process image has a fixed size which is always enforced.
  • The tag addresses are in the format described in the tag!() macro.


process_image::process_image! {
    //                                      +-- Size of the process image in bytes
    //                                      V
    pub struct PiExample, mut PiExampleMut: 16 {
        //  +-- Tag Name  +-- Absolute Address
        //  V             V
        pub sensor_left: (X, 0, 0),     // %MX0.0
        pub sensor_right: (X, 0, 1),    // %MX0.1
        pub temperature: (D, 4),        // %MD4
        pub setpoint: (W, 2),           // %MW2

let mut pi_buf = [0x00; 16];
let pi = PiExample::from(&pi_buf);


// You need to use try_from() when using a slice.  The unwrap() will panic when the size of the
// slice does not match the size of the process image.
let pi_slice = &pi_buf[..];
let pi = PiExample::try_from(pi_slice).unwrap();

// Mutable access:
let pi_slice_mut = &mut pi_buf[..];
let mut pi = PiExampleMut::try_from(pi_slice_mut).unwrap();
*pi.temperature() = 1234;
*pi.setpoint() = 72;
*pi.sensor_left() = false;

As mentioned above, you can also generate just the mutable or just the immutable version:

process_image::process_image! {
    pub struct PiInputs: 16 {
        pub sensor_left: (X, 0, 0),     // %IX0.0
        pub sensor_right: (X, 0, 1),    // %IX0.1
        pub temperature: (D, 12),       // %ID12
process_image::process_image! {
    pub struct mut PiOutputs: 8 {
        pub indicator_green: (X, 1, 0), // %QX1.0
        pub indicator_red: (X, 1, 2),   // %QX1.2
        pub setpoint: (W, 2),           // %QW2

let inp = PiInputs::try_from(&buffer_in).unwrap();
let mut out = PiOutputs::try_from(&mut buffer_out).unwrap();

let left_or_right = inp.sensor_left() || inp.sensor_right();
*out.indicator_green() = !left_or_right;
*out.indicator_red() = left_or_right;