[][src]Macro proc_spirv::spirv_from_file

spirv_from_file!() { /* proc-macro */ }

spirv_from_file!(ShaderKind, "file_path", "entry_point")

  • ShaderKind is just the final variant bit of the enum from the shaderc crate. So use Fragment, not ShaderKind::Fragment or anything else. Technically this just parses an Ident, so you actually don't even need the ShaderKind type to be in scope at all, you just write the name of one of those variants.
  • String literal containing the path to the shader source. This is passed directly to File::open. The "present working directory" for proc macros is the crate root, so relative paths should start from there.
  • String literal for the name of the entry point of the shader module. By convention this is is usually "main", but do what you want.

Success produces a &[u8] TokenStream. You probably want to assign this into a const somewhere in your program.

Like this:


use proc_spirv::spirv_from_file;

const FRAG_SPIRV: &[u8] = spirv_from_file!(Fragment, "tests/frag_glsl.frag", "main");