Module probe_rs::flashing[][src]

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Flash programming operations.

This modules provides a means to do flash unlocking, erasing and programming.

It provides a convenient highlevel interface that can flash an ELF, IHEX or BIN file as well as a lower level block based interface.


Flashing a binary

The easiest way to flash a binary is using the download_file function, and looks like this:

use probe_rs::{Session, flashing};

let mut session = Session::auto_attach("nrf51822")?;

flashing::download_file(&mut session, "binary.hex", flashing::Format::Hex)?;

Adding data manually

use probe_rs::{Session, flashing::{FlashLoader, DownloadOptions}};

let mut session = Session::auto_attach("nrf51822")?;

let mut loader =;

loader.add_data(0x1000_0000, &[0x1, 0x2, 0x3])?;

// Finally, the data can be programmed:
loader.commit(&mut session, DownloadOptions::default())?;


Extended options for flashing a binary file.

Options for downloading a file onto a target chip.

A flash algorithm, which has been assembled for a specific chip.

FlashLoader is a struct which manages the flashing of any chunks of data onto any sections of flash.

A structure to manage the flashing procedure progress reporting.

A structure which can be used to visualize the built contents of a flash.


A finite list of all the errors that can occur when flashing a given file.

Describes any error that happened during the or in preparation for the flashing procedure.

A finite list of all the available binary formats probe-rs understands.

Possible events during the flashing process.


Downloads a file of given format at path to the flash of the target given in session.

Downloads a file of given format at path to the flash of the target given in session.

Mass-erase all nonvolatile memory.