Module priomutex::reservable [] [src]

A reservable mutex (spinlock-only)

A reservable mutex will be freed as usual when the guard goes out of scope, but it can be explicity freed by calling the release_to method on the guard. In this case, it's possible to specify a thread to reserve the mutex for. In this case, try_lock will succeed only if called from the specified thread.

Reservable mutex comes with no blocking support. As such, the API is exactly like that of std::sync::Mutex except that there is no lock. Instead, waiting threads should spin until try_lock succeeds. The lack of blocking support means that this mutex is implemented with no syscalls or platform-specific functionality.

Reservable mutex comes with no support for poisoning: if a thread panics while holding the lock, the mutex will be freed normally.

use priomutex::reservable::Mutex;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;

const N: usize = 10;

let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
let mut threads = vec![];
for _ in 0..N {
    let data = data.clone();
    threads.push(thread::spawn(move || {
        let mut data = loop {
            if let Some(x) = data.try_lock() { break x }
            else { thread::yield_now(); }
        *data += 1;   // non-atomic increment
for t in threads { t.join(); }

// data should have been incremented 10 times
assert_eq!(*data.try_lock().unwrap(), N);



A mutex with no blocking support, but the ability to reserve the lock for another thread.


An RAII guard. Frees the mutex when dropped.