Module preserves::value

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§Representing, reading, and writing Preserves Values as Rust data

use preserves::value::{IOValue, text, packed};
let v: IOValue = text::iovalue_from_str("<hi>")?;
let w: IOValue = packed::iovalue_from_bytes(b"\xb4\xb3\x02hi\x84")?;
assert_eq!(v, w);
assert_eq!(text::TextWriter::encode_iovalue(&v)?, "<hi>");
assert_eq!(packed::PackedWriter::encode_iovalue(&v)?, b"\xb4\xb3\x02hi\x84");

Preserves Values are categorized in the following way. The core representation type, crate::value::repr::Value, reflects this structure. However, most of the time you will work with IOValue or some other implementation of trait NestedValue, which augments an underlying Value with annotations (e.g. comments) and fixes a strategy for memory management.

                      Value = Atom
                            | Compound
                            | Embedded

                       Atom = Boolean
                            | Double
                            | SignedInteger
                            | String
                            | ByteString
                            | Symbol

                   Compound = Record
                            | Sequence
                            | Set
                            | Dictionary

§Memory management

Each implementation of NestedValue chooses a different point in the space of possible approaches to memory management for Values.


The most commonly-used and versatile implementation, IOValue, uses std::sync::Arc for internal links in compound Values. Unlike many of the other implementations of NestedValue, IOValue doesn’t offer flexibility in the Rust data type to be used for Preserves embedded values: instead, embedded values in an IOValue are themselves IOValues.

§ArcValue<D>, RcValue<D>, and PlainValue<D>

For control over the Rust type to use for embedded values, choose ArcValue, RcValue, or PlainValue. Use ArcValue when you wish to transfer values among threads. RcValue is more niche; it may be useful for complex terms that do not need to cross thread boundaries. PlainValue is even more niche: it does not use a reference-counted pointer type, meaning it does not offer any kind of aliasing or sharing among subterms at all.

§Parsing, pretty-printing, encoding and decoding Values

Modules reader and writer supply generic Reader and Writer traits for parsing and unparsing Preserves data. Implementations of Reader and Writer connect Preserves data to specific transfer syntaxes:

  • module packed supplies tools for working with the machine-oriented binary syntax
  • module text supplies tools for working with human-readable text syntax




  • An ordered map based on a B-Tree.
  • An ordered set based on a B-Tree.