Crate powerpack_detach

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Provides a way to background a process from an Alfred workflow.

It does this by forking the process and closing the stdin/stdout/stderr file descriptors for the child process. This makes sure Alfred does not block on the process. Calling spawn does the following:

  • In the parent:
    • Returns immediately.
  • In the child:
    • Detaches the stdin/stdout/stderr file descriptors.
    • Sets up a panic hook that logs an error on panic.
    • Executes the given function.
    • Exit the process.

💡 Note

Depending on your Alfred workflow settings Alfred might execute your workflow many times in a short space of time. It can be useful to make sure only one child process is running at a time by first acquiring a file mutex in the spawned function.


powerpack::detach::spawn(|| {

    // some expensive operation that shouldn't block Alfred
    // e.g. fetch and cache a remote resource

}).expect("forked child process");


  • Execute a function in a child process.