
Represents authentication helpers provided by Postman

Represents an attribute for any authorization method provided by Postman. For example username and password are set as auth attributes for Basic Authentication method.

This field contains the data usually contained in the request body.

An object containing path to file certificate, on the file system

A representation of an ssl certificate

A Cookie, that follows the Google Chrome format

Postman allows you to configure scripts to run when specific events occur. These scripts are stored here, and can be referenced in the collection by their ID.

A representation for a list of headers

Detailed description of the info block

Items are entities which contain an actual HTTP request, and sample responses attached to it.

An object containing path to file containing private key, on the file system

Set of configurations used to alter the usual behavior of sending the request

Using the Proxy, you can configure your custom proxy into the postman for particular url match

A script is a snippet of Javascript code that can be used to to perform setup or teardown operations on a particular response.

Collection variables allow you to define a set of variables, that are a part of the collection, as opposed to environments, which are separate entities. Note: Collection variables must not contain any sensitive information.


Postman allows you to version your collections as they grow, and this field holds the version number. While optional, it is recommended that you use this field to its fullest extent!

A Description can be a raw text, or be an object, which holds the description along with its format.

No HTTP request is complete without its headers, and the same is true for a Postman request. This field is an array containing all the headers.

The host for the URL, E.g: Can be stored as a string or as an array of strings.

Postman stores the type of data associated with this request in this field.

The complete path of the current url, broken down into segments. A segment could be a string, or a path variable.

A request represents an HTTP request. If a string, the string is assumed to be the request URL and the method is assumed to be ‘GET’.

A response represents an HTTP response.

The time taken by the request to complete. If a number, the unit is milliseconds. If the response is manually created, this can be set to null.

If object, contains the complete broken-down URL for this request. If string, contains the literal request URL.

A variable may have multiple types. This field specifies the type of the variable.