initSidebarItems({"enum":[["IsNull","An enum representing the nullability of a Postgres value."],["Kind","Represents the kind of a Postgres type."],["Type","A Postgres type."]],"struct":[["Field","Information about a field of a composite type."],["Other","Information about an unknown type."],["SessionInfo","A structure providing information for conversion methods."],["Slice","Deprecated"],["WasNull","An error indicating that a `NULL` Postgres value was passed to a `FromSql` implementation that does not support `NULL` values."],["WrongType","An error indicating that a conversion was attempted between incompatible Rust and Postgres types."]],"trait":[["FromSql","A trait for types that can be created from a Postgres value."],["ToSql","A trait for types that can be converted into Postgres values."]],"type":[["Oid","A Postgres OID."]]});