Module portunusd::door[][src]

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Define connection handlers for your PortunusD Apps!

In PortunusD, every incoming connection is forwarded to an external application via illumos Doors. You can use the derive_server_procedure! macro defined in this module to convert a Fn: &[u8] -> Vec<u8> function into a PortunusD function handler.

Below is an example of an application that accepts a user’s name in the request body and returns a polite greeting:

use portunusd::derive_server_procedure;
use portunusd::door;
use std::fmt::format;
use std::str::from_utf8;

// Consider the function `hello`, which returns a polite greeting to a client:
fn hello(request: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
    match from_utf8(request) {
        Err(_) => b"I couldn't understand your name!".to_vec(),
        Ok(name) => {
            let response = format!("Hello, {}!", name);

// We can turn that function into a special type (one that implements ServerProcedure) which
// knows how to make the function available via a "door" on the filesystem:
derive_server_procedure!(hello as Hello);

// make the `hello` function available on the filesystem
let hello_server = Hello::install("portunusd_test.04683b").unwrap();

// Now a client (even one in another process!) can call this procedure:
let hello_client = door::Client::new("portunusd_test.04683b").unwrap();
let greeting ="Portunus").unwrap();

assert_eq!(greeting, b"Hello, Portunus!");



A Client handle for a door. Used by PortunusD to call your application.


A server procedure which has been attached to the filesystem.



Door problems.



Trait for types derived from the define_server_procedure! macro.