Trait polytype::Infer[][src]

pub trait Infer<Context, E = UnificationError, N: Name = &'static str> {
    fn infer(&self, ctx: &Context) -> Result<Type<N>, E>;
Expand description

An interface for things that are typable.


In the simplest case, you statically know what the type is:

use polytype::{tp, Infer, Type, UnificationError};

struct MyPrimitive;
impl Infer<()> for MyPrimitive {
    fn infer(&self, _ctx: &()) -> Result<Type, UnificationError> {

assert_eq!(MyPrimitive.infer(&()), Ok(tp!(my_thing_tp)));

A more complex case builds a new type given typed items.

use polytype::{ptp, tp, Context, Infer, Type, TypeSchema, UnificationError};
use std::cell::RefCell;

type MyCtx = RefCell<Context>; // the RefCell allows us to mutate the context during inference

struct Primitive(TypeSchema);
impl Infer<MyCtx> for Primitive {
    fn infer(&self, ctx: &MyCtx) -> Result<Type, UnificationError> {
        Ok(self.0.instantiate(&mut ctx.borrow_mut()))

struct Application<A, B> {
    left: A,
    right: B,
impl<A: Infer<MyCtx>, B: Infer<MyCtx>> Infer<MyCtx> for Application<A, B> {
    fn infer(&self, ctx: &MyCtx) -> Result<Type, UnificationError> {
        let ft = self.left.infer(ctx)?;
        let xt = self.right.infer(ctx)?;
        let mut ctx = ctx.borrow_mut();
        let ret = ctx.new_variable();
        ctx.unify(&ft, &Type::arrow(xt, ret.clone()))?;

let f = Primitive(ptp!(@arrow[tp!(foo), tp!(bar)]));
let x = Primitive(ptp!(foo));
let fx = Application { left: f, right: x };
let ctx = RefCell::new(Context::default());
assert_eq!(fx.infer(&ctx), Ok(tp!(bar)));

A more sophisticated case has the types maintained externally:

use polytype::{ptp, tp, Context, Infer, Type, TypeSchema, UnificationError};
use std::{cell::RefCell, collections::HashMap};

// in this example, every Term has a Type defined through the Lexicon
enum Term {
    Application { op: u32, args: Vec<Term> },
struct Lexicon {
    ctx: RefCell<Context>,
    ops: HashMap<u32, TypeSchema>,
    global_vars: RefCell<HashMap<u32, Type>>,

impl Infer<Lexicon> for Term {
    fn infer(&self, lex: &Lexicon) -> Result<Type, UnificationError> {
        match self {
            Term::GlobalVariable(v) => Ok(lex
                .or_insert_with(|| lex.ctx.borrow_mut().new_variable())
            Term::Application { op, args } => {
                let mut arg_types: Vec<Type> = args
                    .map(|arg| arg.infer(lex))
                    .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
                let mut ctx = lex.ctx.borrow_mut();
                let ret = ctx.new_variable();
                let func_type = lex.ops[op].instantiate(&mut ctx);
                ctx.unify(&func_type, &Type::from(arg_types))?;

let mut h = HashMap::new();
h.insert(0, ptp!(0; @arrow[tp!(0), tp!(foo)]));
h.insert(1, ptp!(@arrow[tp!(bar), tp!(baz)]));
let lex = Lexicon {
    ctx: RefCell::new(Context::default()),
    ops: h,
    global_vars: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
let term = Term::Application {
    op: 0,
    args: vec![Term::Application {
        op: 1,
        args: vec![Term::GlobalVariable(42)],
assert_eq!(term.infer(&lex), Ok(tp!(foo)));
        .map(|t| t.apply(&lex.ctx.borrow())),

Required methods
