Crate polodb_core

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PoloDB is an embedded JSON-based database.

PoloDB is a library written in Rust that implements a lightweight MongoDB. PoloDB has no dependency(except for libc), so it can be easily run on most platform(thanks for Rust Language). The data of PoloDB is stored in a file. The file format is stable, cross-platform, and backwards compaitible. The API of PoloDB is very similar to MongoDB. It’s very easy to learn and use.



The Database structure provides all the API to get access to the DB file.

Open a local file

use polodb_core::Database;
let db = Database::open_file(db_path).unwrap();

Open a memory database

use polodb_core::Database;

let db = Database::open_memory().unwrap();


use polodb_core::Database;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Book {
   title: String,
   author: String,

let db = Database::open_file(db_path).unwrap();
let collection = db.collection("books");
collection.insert_one(Book {
   title: "The Three-Body Problem".to_string(),
   author: "Liu Cixin".to_string(),

Inserting documents into a collection

use polodb_core::Database;
use polodb_core::bson::{Document, doc};

let db = Database::open_memory().unwrap();
let collection = db.collection::<Document>("books");

let docs = vec![
    doc! { "title": "1984", "author": "George Orwell" },
    doc! { "title": "Animal Farm", "author": "George Orwell" },
    doc! { "title": "The Great Gatsby", "author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald" },

Finding documents in a collection

use polodb_core::Database;
use polodb_core::bson::{Document, doc};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Book {
   title: String,
   author: String,

let db = Database::open_memory().unwrap();
let collection = db.collection::<Book>("books");

let docs = vec![
    Book { title: "1984".to_string(), author: "George Orwell".to_string() },
    Book { title: "Animal Farm".to_string(), author: "George Orwell".to_string() },
    Book { title: "The Great Gatsby".to_string(), author: "F. Scott Fitzgerald".to_string() },

let books = collection.find(None).unwrap();
for book in books {
    println!("name: {:?}", book);


A ClientSession represents a logical session used for ordering sequential operations.

You an manually start a transaction by ClientSession::start_transaction method. If you don’t start it manually, a transaction will be automatically started in your every operation.


use polodb_core::Database;
use polodb_core::bson::{Document, doc};

let db = Database::open_file(db_path).unwrap();

let mut session = db.start_session().unwrap();

let collection = db.collection::<Document>("books");

let docs = vec![
    doc! { "title": "1984", "author": "George Orwell" },
    doc! { "title": "Animal Farm", "author": "George Orwell" },
    doc! { "title": "The Great Gatsby", "author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald" },
collection.insert_many_with_session(docs, &mut session).unwrap();






  • A ClientCursor is used get the result of a query. You can move the cursor forward using the advance().
  • A PoloDB client session. This struct represents a logical session used for ordering sequential operations. To create a ClientSession, call start_session on a Database.
  • A ClientSessionCursor is used get the result of a query.
  • A wrapper of collection in struct.
  • Config builder for the database
  • API wrapper for Rust-level


Type Definitions