[][src]Module polars::doc::time

DateTime related functionality

Polars supports all data types in Arrow related to time and dates in any kind. In Arrow times and dates are stored as i32 or i64 integers. This can represent for instance a duration in seconds since the Unix Epoch: 00:00:00 1 january 1970.


I can imagine that integer values aren't the most intuitive when dealing with dates and times. For this reason, Polars supports conversion from chrono's NaiveTime and NaiveDate structs to Polars and vice versa.

ChunkedArray<T>'s initialization is represented by the the following traits:

To cast a ChunkedArray<T> to a Vec<NaiveTime> or a Vec<NaiveDateTime> see:


use chrono::NaiveTime;
use polars::prelude::*;;

// We can create a ChunkedArray from NaiveTime objects
fn from_naive_time_to_time32(time_values: &[NaiveTime]) -> Time32SecondChunked {
    Time32SecondChunked::new_from_naive_time("name", time_values)

// Or from a ChunkedArray to NaiveTime objects
fn from_time32_to_naive_time(ca: &Time32SecondChunked) -> Vec<Option<NaiveTime>> {

String formatting

We can also directly parse strings given a predifined fmt: &str. This uses chrono's NaiveTime::parse_from_str under the hood. So look there for the different formatting options. If the string parsing is not succesful, the value will be None.



use polars::prelude::*;
use chrono::NaiveTime;

// String values to parse, Note that the 2nd value is not a correct time value.
let time_values = &["23:56:04", "26:00:99", "12:39:08"];
// Parsing fmt
let fmt = "%H:%M:%S";
// Create the ChunkedArray
let ca = Time64NanosecondChunked::parse_from_str_slice("Time as ns since midnight", time_values, fmt);

// Assert that we've got a ChunkedArray with a single None value.
    &[NaiveTime::parse_from_str(time_values[0], fmt).ok(),
    NaiveTime::parse_from_str(time_values[2], fmt).ok()]);


use polars::prelude::*;
use chrono::NaiveDateTime;

// String values to parse, Note that the 2nd value is not a correct time value.
let datetime_values = &[
            "1988-08-25 00:00:16",
            "2015-09-05 23:56:04",
            "2012-12-21 00:00:00",
// Parsing fmt
let fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";

// Create the ChunkedArray
let ca = TimestampSecondChunked::parse_from_str_slice("datetime as s since Epoch", datetime_values, fmt);

// Or collect into a Vec<NaiveDateTime>
let vec = ca.as_naive_datetime();

// We could also parse these datetime strings as the following data types:

// date and time timestamps in different precisions
let ca = TimestampNanosecondChunked::parse_from_str_slice("datetime as ns since Epoch", datetime_values, fmt);
let ca = TimestampMicrosecondChunked::parse_from_str_slice("datetime as μs since Epoch", datetime_values, fmt);
let ca = TimestampMillisecondChunked::parse_from_str_slice("datetime as ms since Epoch", datetime_values, fmt);

// or dates in different precisions (days and milliseconds)
let ca = Date32Chunked::parse_from_str_slice("date as days since Epoch", datetime_values, fmt);
let ca = Date64Chunked::parse_from_str_slice("date as ms since Epoch", datetime_values, fmt);

Temporal Data Types

Polars supports all the time datatypes supported by Apache Arrow. These store the time values in different precisions and bytes:


  • Time64NanosecondChunked
    • A ChunkedArray which stores time with nanosecond precision as 64 bit signed integer.
  • Time64MicrosecondChunked
    • A ChunkedArray which stores time with microsecond precision as 64 bit signed integer.
  • Time32MillisecondChunked
    • A ChunkedArray which stores time with millisecond precision as 32 bit signed integer.
  • Time32SecondChunked
    • A ChunkedArray which stores time with second precision as 32 bit signed integer.


  • Date32Chunked
    • A ChunkedArray storing the date as elapsed days since the Unix Epoch as 32 bit signed integer.
  • Date64Chunked
    • A ChunkedArray storing the date as elapsed milliseconds since the Unix Epoch as 64 bit signed integer.


  • TimestampNanosecondChunked
    • A ChunkedArray storing the date and time as elapsed nanoseconds since the Unix Epoch as 64 bit signed integer.
  • TimestampMicrosecondChunked
    • A ChunkedArray storing the date and time as elapsed microseconds since the Unix Epoch as 64 bit signed integer.
  • TimestampMillisecondChunked
    • A ChunkedArray storing the date and time as elapsed milliseconds since the Unix Epoch as 64 bit signed integer.
  • TimestampSecondChunked
    • A ChunkedArray storing the date and time as elapsed seconds since the Unix Epoch as 64 bit signed integer.