


Represents Arrow’s metadata of a “column”.
An ordered sequence of Fields with associated Metadata.
A contiguous growable collection of Series that have the same length.
Characterizes the name and the DataType of a column.
Indexes of the groups, the first index is stored separately. this make sorting fast.
Maps a logical type to a a chunked array implementation of the physical type. This saves a lot of compiler bloat and allows us to reuse functionality.
Arguments for [DataFrame::melt] function
This is logical type StructChunked that dispatches most logic to the fields implementations




Argmin/ Argmax
Aggregation operations
Aggregations that return Series of unit length. Those can be used in broadcasting operations.
Fastest way to do elementwise operations on a ChunkedArray when the operation is cheaper than branching due to null checking
Apply kernels on the arrow array chunks in a ChunkedArray.
Cast ChunkedArray<T> to ChunkedArray<N>
Compare Series and ChunkedArray’s and get a boolean mask that can be used to filter rows.
Create a new ChunkedArray filled with values at that index.
Explode/ flatten a List or Utf8 Series
Replace None values with various strategies
Replace None values with a value
Filter values by a boolean mask.
Fill a ChunkedArray with one value.
Find local minima/ maxima
Quantile and median aggregation
Reverse a ChunkedArray
This differs from ChunkWindowCustom and ChunkWindow by not using a fold aggregator, but reusing a Series wrapper and calling Series aggregators. This likely is a bit slower than ChunkWindow
Create a ChunkedArray with new values by index or by boolean mask. Note that these operations clone data. This is however the only way we can modify at mask or index level as the underlying Arrow arrays are immutable.
Shift the values of a ChunkedArray by a number of periods.
Sort operations on ChunkedArray.
Fast access by index.
Traverse and collect every nth element
Get unique values in a ChunkedArray
Variance and standard deviation aggregation.
Combine 2 ChunkedArrays based on some predicate.
This trait exists to be unify the API of polars Schema and arrows Schema
Used to convert a ChunkedArray, &dyn SeriesTrait and Series into a Series.
Create a type that implements a faster TakeRandom.
Mask the first unique values as true
Check if element is member of list array
Mask the last unique values as true
A PolarsIterator is an iterator over a ChunkedArray which contains polars types. A PolarsIterator must implement ExactSizeIterator and DoubleEndedIterator.
Values need to implement this so that they can be stored into a Series and DataFrame
Trimmed down object safe polars object
Any type that is not nested
Repeat the values n times.
Concat the values into a string array.
Random access


Type Definitions