pub trait TemporalMethods: AsSeries {
Show 13 methods fn hour(&self) -> Result<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn minute(&self) -> Result<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn second(&self) -> Result<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn nanosecond(&self) -> Result<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn day(&self) -> Result<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn weekday(&self) -> Result<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn week(&self) -> Result<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn ordinal_day(&self) -> Result<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn year(&self) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Int32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn quarter(&self) -> Result<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn month(&self) -> Result<ChunkedArray<UInt32Type>, PolarsError> { ... } fn strftime(&self, fmt: &str) -> Result<Series, PolarsError> { ... } fn timestamp(
        tu: TimeUnit
    ) -> Result<ChunkedArray<Int64Type>, PolarsError> { ... }

Provided Methods

Extract hour from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the hour number from 0 to 23.

Extract minute from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the minute number from 0 to 59.

Extract second from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the second number from 0 to 59.

Returns the number of nanoseconds since the whole non-leap second. The range from 1,000,000,000 to 1,999,999,999 represents the leap second.

Extract day from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the day of month starting from 1.

The return value ranges from 1 to 31. (The last day of month differs by months.)

Returns the weekday number where monday = 0 and sunday = 6

Returns the ISO week number starting from 1. The return value ranges from 1 to 53. (The last week of year differs by years.)

Returns the day of year starting from 1.

The return value ranges from 1 to 366. (The last day of year differs by years.)

Extract month from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the year number in the calendar date.

Extract quarter from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Quarters range from 1 to 4.

Extract month from underlying NaiveDateTime representation. Returns the month number starting from 1.

The return value ranges from 1 to 12.

Format Date/Datetimewith a fmt rule. See chrono strftime/strptime.

Convert date(time) object to timestamp in TimeUnit.
