
Data types supported by Polars.

APIs to read and deserialize from JSON



A thread-safe reference-counting pointer. ‘Arc’ stands for ‘Atomically Reference Counted’.

Represents Arrow’s metadata of a “column”.

An ordered sequence of Fields with associated [Metadata].


Create a new DataFrame by reading a csv file.

Write a DataFrame to csv.

A contiguous growable collection of Series that have the same length.

Characterizes the name and the DataType of a column.

Read Arrows IPC format into a DataFrame

Write a DataFrame to Arrow’s IPC format

Lazy abstraction over an eager DataFrame. It really is an abstraction over a logical plan. The methods of this struct will incrementally modify a logical plan until output is requested (via collect)

Utility struct for lazy groupby operation.

Maps a logical type to a a chunked array implementation of the physical type. This saves a lot of compiler bloat and allows us to reuse functionality.

Wrapper type that indicates that the inner type is not equal to anything

Just a wrapper structure. Useful for certain impl specializations This is for instance use to implement impl<T> FromIterator<T::Native> for NoNull<ChunkedArray<T>> as Option<T::Native> was already implemented: impl<T> FromIterator<Option<T::Native>> for ChunkedArray<T>

The literal Null

State of the allowed optimizations

Read Apache parquet format into a DataFrame.

Write a DataFrame to parquet format

Wrapper struct that allow us to use a PhysicalExpr in polars-io.


Intermediate state of when(..).then(..).otherwise(..) expr.

Intermediate state of when(..).then(..).otherwise(..) expr.

Intermediate state of chain when then exprs.


The set of supported logical types in this crate.

The time units defined in Arrow.

Queries consists of multiple expressions.

Compression codec

One of the three arguments allowed in unchecked_take


Argmin/ Argmax

Aggregation operations

Aggregations that return Series of unit length. Those can be used in broadcasting operations.

Fastest way to do elementwise operations on a ChunkedArray when the operation is cheaper than branching due to null checking

Apply kernels on the arrow array chunks in a ChunkedArray.

Cast ChunkedArray<T> to ChunkedArray<N>

Compare Series and ChunkedArray’s and get a boolean mask that can be used to filter rows.

Create a new ChunkedArray filled with values at that index.

Explode/ flatten a

Replace None values with various strategies

Replace None values with a value

Filter values by a boolean mask.

Fill a ChunkedArray with one value.

Find local minima/ maxima

Reverse a ChunkedArray

This differs from ChunkWindowCustom and ChunkWindow by not using a fold aggregator, but reusing a Series wrapper and calling Series aggregators. This likely is a bit slower than ChunkWindow

Create a ChunkedArray with new values by index or by boolean mask. Note that these operations clone data. This is however the only way we can modify at mask or index level as the underlying Arrow arrays are immutable.

Shift the values of a ChunkedArray by a number of periods.

Sort operations on ChunkedArray.

Fast access by index.

Traverse and collect every nth element

Get unique values in a ChunkedArray

Variance and standard deviation aggregation.

Combine 2 ChunkedArrays based on some predicate.

Executors will evaluate physical expressions and collect them in a DataFrame.

Trait for ChunkedArrays that don’t have null values. The result is the most efficient implementation Iterator, according to the number of chunks.

Create a type that implements a faster TakeRandom.

Mask the first unique values as true

Check if element is member of list array

Mask the last unique values as true

Take a DataFrame and evaluate the expressions. Implement this for Column, lt, eq, etc

A type that implements this transforms a LogicalPlan to a physical plan.

A PolarsIterator is an iterator over a ChunkedArray which contains polars types. A PolarsIterator must implement ExactSizeIterator and DoubleEndedIterator.

Values need to implement this so that they can be stored into a Series and DataFrame

Any type that is not nested

Repeat the values n times.

A wrapper trait for any binary closure Fn(Series, Series) -> Result<Series>

A wrapper trait for any closure Fn(Vec<Series>) -> Result<Series>

Concat the values into a string array.

Random access


Evaluate all the expressions with a bitwise and

Evaluate all the expressions with a bitwise or

Apply a function/closure over the groups of multiple columns. This should only be used in a groupby aggregation.

Find the mean of all the values in this Expression.

Cast expression.

Create a Column Expression based on a column name.

Select multiple columns by name

Count the number of values in this Expression.

Select multiple columns by dtype.

Select multiple columns by dtype.

Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally / row wise.

IsNull expression

Create a Literal Expression from L

Apply a closure on the two columns that are evaluated from Expr a and Expr b.

Binary function where the output type is determined at runtime when the schema is known.

Apply a function/closure over multiple columns once the logical plan get executed.

Apply a function/closure over multiple columns once the logical plan get executed.

Find the maximum of all the values in this Expression.

Get the the maximum value per row

Find the mean of all the values in this Expression.

Find the median of all the values in this Expression.

Find the minimum of all the values in this Expression.

Get the the minimum value per row

Not expression.

Find a specific quantile of all the values in this Expression.

Create a range literal.

Sum all the values in this Expression.

Get the the sum of the values per row

Start a when-then-otherwise expression

Type Definitions