Module polars_lazy::dsl::functions

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Function on multiple expressions.



  • Selects all columns. Shorthand for col("*").
  • Like map_binary, but used in a group_by-aggregation context.
  • Generate a range of integers.
  • Find the indexes that would sort these series in order of appearance. That means that the first Series will be used to determine the ordering until duplicates are found. Once duplicates are found, the next Series will be used and so on.
  • arg_wherearg_where
    Get the indices where condition evaluates true.
  • as_structdtype-struct
    Take several expressions and collect them into a StructChunked.
  • Find the mean of all the values in the column named name. Alias for mean.
  • Casts the column given by Expr to a different type.
  • Folds the expressions from left to right keeping the first non-null values.
  • Create a Column Expression based on a column name.
  • Collect all LazyFrame computations.
  • Select multiple columns by name.
  • Concat multiple LazyFrames vertically.
  • concat_lf_diagonaldiagonal_concat
    Concat LazyFrames diagonally. Calls concat internally.
  • Concat lists entries.
  • concat_strconcat_str and strings
    Horizontally concat string columns in linear time
  • Compute the covariance between two columns.
  • cum_fold_exprsdtype-struct
    Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally / row wise.
  • cum_reduce_exprsdtype-struct
    Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally / row wise.
  • date_rangetemporal
    Create a date range from a start and stop expression.
  • date_rangestemporal
    Create a column of date ranges from a start and stop expression.
  • datetimetemporal
    Construct a column of Datetime from the provided DatetimeArgs.
  • datetime_rangedtype-datetime
    Create a datetime range from a start and stop expression.
  • datetime_rangesdtype-datetime
    Create a column of datetime ranges from a start and stop expression.
  • Select multiple columns by dtype.
  • Select multiple columns by dtype.
  • durationtemporal
    Construct a column of Duration from the provided DurationArgs
  • Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally / row wise.
  • format_strconcat_str and strings
    Format the results of an array of expressions using a format string
  • Generate a range of integers.
  • Generate a range of integers for each row of the input columns.
  • A column which is false wherever expr is null, true elsewhere.
  • A column which is true wherever expr is null, false elsewhere.
  • Apply a closure on the two columns that are evaluated from Expr a and Expr b.
  • Find the maximum of all the values in the column named name. Shorthand for col(name).max().
  • Find the mean of all the values in the column named name. Shorthand for col(name).mean().
  • Find the median of all the values in the column named name. Shorthand for col(name).median().
  • Find the minimum of all the values in the column named name. Shorthand for col(name).min().
  • Negates a boolean column.
  • Compute the pearson correlation between two columns.
  • Find a specific quantile of all the values in the column named name.
  • Analogous to Iterator::reduce.
  • Create a column of length n containing n copies of the literal value. Generally you won’t need this function, as lit(value) already represents a column containing only value whose length is automatically set to the correct number of rows.
  • rolling_corrrolling_window
  • rolling_covrolling_window
  • spearman_rank_corrrank and propagate_nans
    Compute the spearman rank correlation between two columns. Missing data will be excluded from the computation.
  • Sum all the values in the column named name. Shorthand for col(name).sum().
  • time_rangedtype-time
    Generate a time range.
  • time_rangesdtype-time
    Create a column of time ranges from a start and stop expression.