Expand description

Domain specific language for the Lazy api.


pub use cat::*;
pub use crate::frame::IntoLazy;



Wrapper type that has special equality properties depending on the inner type specialization

Intermediate state of when(..).then(..).otherwise(..) expr.

Intermediate state of when(..).then(..).otherwise(..) expr.

Intermediate state of chain when then exprs.


Queries consists of multiple ex pressions.


A wrapper trait for any binary closure Fn(Series, Series) -> Result<Series>

A wrapper trait for any closure Fn(Vec<Series>) -> Result<Series>


Selects all columns

Evaluate all the expressions with a bitwise and

Evaluate all the expressions with a bitwise or

Apply a function/closure over the groups of multiple columns. This should only be used in a groupby aggregation.


Create list entries that are range arrays

Get the indices where condition evaluates true.

Find the indexes that would sort these series in order of appearance. That means that the first Series will be used to determine the ordering until duplicates are found. Once duplicates are found, the next Series will be used and so on.

Take several expressions and collect them into a StructChunked.

Find the mean of all the values in this Expression.

Cast expression.

Create a Column Expression based on a column name.

Collect all LazyFrame computations.

Select multiple columns by name

Concat multiple

Concat lists entries.


Horizontally concat string columns in linear time

Count expression

Compute the covariance between two columns.

Select multiple columns by dtype.

Select multiple columns by dtype.

First column in DataFrame

Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally / row wise.

IsNull expression

Last column in DataFrame

Create a Literal Expression from L

Apply a closure on the two columns that are evaluated from Expr a and Expr b.

Apply a function/closure over multiple columns once the logical plan get executed.

Apply a function/closure over multiple columns once the logical plan get executed.

Find the maximum of all the values in this Expression.

Get the the maximum value per row

Find the mean of all the values in this Expression.

Find the median of all the values in this Expression.

Find the minimum of all the values in this Expression.

Get the the minimum value per row

Not expression.

Compute the pearson correlation between two columns.

Find a specific quantile of all the values in this Expression.

Create a range literal.

Repeat a literal value n times.

Compute the spearman rank correlation between two columns.

Sum all the values in this Expression.

Get the the sum of the values per row

Start a when-then-otherwise expression

Type Definitions