Expand description

Support for sending and receiving data link layer packets.


Support for sending and receiving data link layer packets on a fake network managed by in memory FIFO queues. Useful for writing tests.

Support for sending and receiving data link layer packets using the WinPcap library.


A generic configuration type, encapsulating all options supported by each backend.

Fanout settings (Linux only).

A MAC address.

Represents a network interface and its associated addresses.


A channel for sending and receiving at the data link layer.

Type of data link channel to present (Linux only).

Socket fanout type (Linux only).

Represents an error which occurred whilst parsing a MAC address.


Structure for receiving packets at the data link layer. Should be constructed using datalink_channel().

Trait to enable sending $packet packets.


Create a new datalink channel for sending and receiving data.

Get a list of available network interfaces for the current machine.

Type Definitions

Type alias for an EtherType.