Module pnet::packet

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Support for packet parsing and manipulation.


ARP packet abstraction.

An ethernet packet abstraction.

Minimal GRE Packet implementation: suitable for inspection not generation (e.g. checksum not implemented).

An ICMP packet abstraction.

An ICMPv6 packet abstraction.

Defines the type and constants for IP next header/next level protocol fields.

An IPv4 packet abstraction.

An IPv6 packet abstraction.

A TCP packet abstraction.

A UDP packet abstraction.

A USB PCAP packet abstraction.

Utilities for working with packets, eg. checksumming.

A VLAN packet abstraction.


Mutable packet data.

Packet data.


Used to convert on-the-wire packets to their #[packet] equivalent.

Represents a generic, mutable, network packet.

Represents a generic network packet.

Used to find the calculated size of the packet. This is used for occasions where the underlying buffer is not the same length as the packet itself.

Used to convert a type to primitive values representing it.