Module plotly_fork::common::color

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This module provides several user interfaces for describing a color to be used throughout the rest of the library. The easiest way of describing a colour is to use a &str or String, which is simply serialized as-is and passed on to the underlying plotly.js library. plotly.js supports CSS color formats, and will fallback to some default color if the color string is malformed.

For a more type-safe approach, the RGB or RGBA structs can be used to construct a valid color, which will then get serialized to an appropriate string representation. Cross-browser compatible predefined colors are supported via the NamedColor enum.

The Color trait is public, and so can be implemented for custom colour types. The user can then implement a valid serialization function according to their own requirements. On the whole, that should be largely unnecessary given the functionality already provided within this module.


  • A type-safe way of constructing a valid RGB color from constituent R, G and B channels.
  • A type-safe way of constructing a valid RGBA color from constituent R, G, B and A channels.



  • A marker trait allowing several ways to describe a color.