Module plexus::graph [] [src]

Half-edge graph representation of meshes.

This module provides a flexible representation of meshes as a half-edge graph exposed as the Mesh type. Meshes can store arbitrary geometric data associated with any topological structure, including vertices, half-edges, and faces.

These structures can be difficult to construct from individual components; the generate module can be used to produce primitive meshes that can be converted into a graph.


Meshes store topological data using keyed storage. That is, structures representing vertices, edges, and faces, are stored using associative collections. Keys are exposed as strongly typed and opaque values, which can be used to refer to a topological structure, e.g., VertexKey. Importantly, raw references are not used, which eases the construction and manipulation of the graph in both user and library code by avoiding certain borrowing rules.

Topological Views

Meshes expose views over their topological structures (vertices, edges, and faces). Views are accessed via keys or iteration and behave like references, and are exposed as ...Ref, ...Mut, and Orphan...Mut types (immutable, mutable, and orphan views, respectively) summarized below:

Type Name Traversal Arity Geometry Topology
Immutable ...Ref Yes Many Immutable Immutable
Mutable ...Mut Neighbors One Mutable Mutable
Orphan Orphan...Mut No Many Mutable N/A

Note that it is not possible to get mutable views from another mutable view via a traversal, because a mutation may alter the topology and invalidate the originating view. This also means that mutable operations will always consume self. In general, an immutable traversal of topology can be used to collect keys that are later used to query and mutate the target topology.

All views provide access to their associated geometry. Mutable views, like FaceMut, provide topological operations, like triangulation and extrusion.


Topological views allow for traversals of a mesh's topology. One useful type of traversal uses a circulator, which is a type of iterator that examines the neighbors of a topological structure. For example, the face circulator of a vertex yields all faces that share that vertex in order.


Generating a mesh from a primitive:

use nalgebra::Point3;
use plexus::generate::sphere::UVSphere;
use plexus::graph::Mesh;
use plexus::prelude::*;

let mut mesh = UVSphere::<f32>::with_unit_radius(16, 16)
    .map_vertices(|position| position.into_hash())

Manipulating a face in a mesh:

use nalgebra::Point3;
use plexus::generate::sphere::UVSphere;
use plexus::graph::Mesh;
use plexus::prelude::*;

let mut mesh = UVSphere::<f32>::with_unit_radius(16, 16)
    .map_vertices(|position| position.into_hash())
let key = mesh.faces().nth(0).unwrap().key(); // Get the key of the first face.
mesh.face_mut(key).unwrap().extrude(1.0).unwrap(); // Extrude the face.



Half-edge graph representation of a mesh. Provides topological data in the form of vertices, half-edges, and faces. A half-edge is directed from one vertex to another, with an opposing half-edge joining the vertices in the other direction.


Type Definitions
