[][src]Module pixelflut_rs::grid


A library providing a Pixelflut server to easily connect your display or whatever to it.

The library enables you to use a working Pixelflut server with your Project. So you don't need to care about the details with the server and the parsing of the commands but concentrate on your visualisation project. In this library we call that a Grid.


A Grid can do 3 things

  1. Return it's size
  2. Draw a given Pixel on it
  3. Fetch the current state of a Pixel on the Grid for a given Coordinate

A really naive implementation could look like this:

struct PrintlnGrid {
    size: Size,

impl Grid for PrintlnGrid {
    fn size(&self) -> Size {

    fn draw(&mut self, px: Pixel) {
        println!("{}", px);

    fn fetch(&self, p: Coordinate) -> Option<Pixel> {
        Some("PX 1024 768 ff0f00".parse().unwrap())


To actually run your Grid implementation and attach the Pixelflut interface to it you just need to do the following:

use pixelflut_rs::server::Server;
use pixelflut_rs::grid::Size;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>{

    let grid = PrintlnGrid {
       size: Size::new(1024, 768),

    let server = Server::new("".parse()?, 2342, grid);



The size of a Grid, defined by x and y.



The Grid which can be implemented by your Project to attach the Pixelflut interface to it.