Expand description

Library to safely and fallibly initialize pinned structs using in-place constructors.

It also allows in-place initialization of big structs that would otherwise produce a stack overflow.

Pinning is Rust’s way of ensuring data does not move.


To initialize a struct with an in-place constructor you will need two things:

  • an in-place constructor,
  • a memory location that can hold your struct (this can be the stack, an Arc<T>, Box<T> or any other smart pointer 1).

To get an in-place constructor there are generally two options:

  • directly creating an in-place constructor,
  • a function/macro returning an in-place constructor.


Directly creating an in-place constructor

If you want to use PinInit, then you will have to annotate your struct with [#[pin_project]]. It is a macro that uses #[pin] as a marker for structurally pinned fields.

struct Foo {
    a: Mutex<usize>,
    b: u32,

let foo = pin_init!(Foo {
    a: Mutex::new(42),
    b: 24,

foo now is of the type implPinInit<Foo>. We can now use any smart pointer that we like (or just the stack) to actually initialize a Foo:

let foo: Result<Pin<Box<Foo>>, _> = Box::pin_init::<core::convert::Infallible>(foo);

Using a function/macro that returns an initializer

Many types using this library supply a function/macro that returns an initializer, because the above method only works for types where you can access the fields.

let mtx: Result<Pin<Arc<Mutex<usize>>>, _> = Arc::pin_init(Mutex::new(42));

To declare an init macro/function you just return an implPinInit<T, E>:

struct DriverData {
    status: Mutex<i32>,
    buffer: Box<[u8; 1_000_000]>,

impl DriverData {
    fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self, AllocOrInitError<Infallible>> {
        pin_init!(Self {
            status: Mutex::new(0),
            buffer: Box::init(pinned_init::zeroed())?,

  1. That is not entirely true, only smart pointers that implement InPlaceInit


Construct an in-place initializer for structs.
Construct an in-place initializer for structs.
Initialize a type directly on the stack.


Allocation error, or initialization error.


Smart pointer that can initialize memory in-place.
An initializer for T.
A pinned initializer for T.
Trait facilitating pinned destruction.
Marker trait for types that can be initialized by writing just zeroes.


Convert a value into an initializer.
Creates a new Init<T, E> from the given closure.
Creates a new PinInit<T, E> from the given closure.
An initializer that leaves the memory uninitialized.
Create a new zeroed T.

Attribute Macros

Used to specify the pin information of the fields of a struct.