Struct pico_sys_dynamic::ps6000::PS6000Loader[][src]

pub struct PS6000Loader {
Show fields pub ps6000ApplyFix: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u16), Error>, pub ps6000OpenUnit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: *mut i16, serial: *mut i8) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000OpenUnitAsync: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(status: *mut i16, serial: *mut i8) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000OpenUnitProgress: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: *mut i16, progressPercent: *mut i16, complete: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetUnitInfo: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, string: *mut i8, stringLength: i16, requiredSize: *mut i16, info: PICO_INFO) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000FlashLed: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, start: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000CloseUnit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000MemorySegments: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, nSegments: u32, nMaxSamples: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetChannel: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channel: PS6000_CHANNEL, enabled: i16, type_: PS6000_COUPLING, range: PS6000_RANGE, analogueOffset: f32, bandwidth: PS6000_BANDWIDTH_LIMITER) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetTimebase: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, timebase: u32, noSamples: u32, timeIntervalNanoseconds: *mut i32, oversample: i16, maxSamples: *mut u32, segmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetTimebase2: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, timebase: u32, noSamples: u32, timeIntervalNanoseconds: *mut f32, oversample: i16, maxSamples: *mut u32, segmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetSigGenArbitrary: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, offsetVoltage: i32, pkToPk: u32, startDeltaPhase: u32, stopDeltaPhase: u32, deltaPhaseIncrement: u32, dwellCount: u32, arbitraryWaveform: *mut i16, arbitraryWaveformSize: i32, sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE, operation: PS6000_EXTRA_OPERATIONS, indexMode: PS6000_INDEX_MODE, shots: u32, sweeps: u32, triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE, triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE, extInThreshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetSigGenBuiltIn: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, offsetVoltage: i32, pkToPk: u32, waveType: i16, startFrequency: f32, stopFrequency: f32, increment: f32, dwellTime: f32, sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE, operation: PS6000_EXTRA_OPERATIONS, shots: u32, sweeps: u32, triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE, triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE, extInThreshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetSigGenBuiltInV2: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, offsetVoltage: i32, pkToPk: u32, waveType: i16, startFrequency: f64, stopFrequency: f64, increment: f64, dwellTime: f64, sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE, operation: PS6000_EXTRA_OPERATIONS, shots: u32, sweeps: u32, triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE, triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE, extInThreshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetSigGenPropertiesArbitrary: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, offsetVoltage: i32, pkToPk: u32, startDeltaPhase: u32, stopDeltaPhase: u32, deltaPhaseIncrement: u32, dwellCount: u32, sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE, shots: u32, sweeps: u32, triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE, triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE, extInThreshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetSigGenPropertiesBuiltIn: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, offsetVoltage: i32, pkToPk: u32, startFrequency: f64, stopFrequency: f64, increment: f64, dwellTime: f64, sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE, shots: u32, sweeps: u32, triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE, triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE, extInThreshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SigGenFrequencyToPhase: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, frequency: f64, indexMode: PS6000_INDEX_MODE, bufferLength: u32, phase: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SigGenArbitraryMinMaxValues: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, minArbitraryWaveformValue: *mut i16, maxArbitraryWaveformValue: *mut i16, minArbitraryWaveformSize: *mut u32, maxArbitraryWaveformSize: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SigGenSoftwareControl: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, state: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetSimpleTrigger: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, enable: i16, source: PS6000_CHANNEL, threshold: i16, direction: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, delay: u32, autoTrigger_ms: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetEts: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, mode: PS6000_ETS_MODE, etsCycles: i16, etsInterleave: i16, sampleTimePicoseconds: *mut i32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetTriggerChannelProperties: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channelProperties: *mut PS6000_TRIGGER_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES, nChannelProperties: i16, auxOutputEnable: i16, autoTriggerMilliseconds: i32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetTriggerChannelConditions: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, conditions: *mut PS6000_TRIGGER_CONDITIONS, nConditions: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetTriggerChannelDirections: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channelA: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, channelB: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, channelC: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, channelD: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, ext: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, aux: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetTriggerDelay: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, delay: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetPulseWidthQualifier: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, conditions: *mut PS6000_PWQ_CONDITIONS, nConditions: i16, direction: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, lower: u32, upper: u32, type_: PS6000_PULSE_WIDTH_TYPE) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000IsTriggerOrPulseWidthQualifierEnabled: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, triggerEnabled: *mut i16, pulseWidthQualifierEnabled: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetTriggerTimeOffset: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, timeUpper: *mut u32, timeLower: *mut u32, timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS, segmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetTriggerTimeOffset64: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, time: *mut i64, timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS, segmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetValuesTriggerTimeOffsetBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, timesUpper: *mut u32, timesLower: *mut u32, timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetValuesTriggerTimeOffsetBulk64: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, times: *mut i64, timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetDataBuffers: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channel: PS6000_CHANNEL, bufferMax: *mut i16, bufferMin: *mut i16, bufferLth: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetDataBuffer: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channel: PS6000_CHANNEL, buffer: *mut i16, bufferLth: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetDataBufferBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channel: PS6000_CHANNEL, buffer: *mut i16, bufferLth: u32, waveform: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetDataBuffersBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channel: PS6000_CHANNEL, bufferMax: *mut i16, bufferMin: *mut i16, bufferLth: u32, waveform: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetEtsTimeBuffer: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, buffer: *mut i64, bufferLth: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetEtsTimeBuffers: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, timeUpper: *mut u32, timeLower: *mut u32, bufferLth: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000RunBlock: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, noOfPreTriggerSamples: u32, noOfPostTriggerSamples: u32, timebase: u32, oversample: i16, timeIndisposedMs: *mut i32, segmentIndex: u32, lpReady: ps6000BlockReady, pParameter: *mut c_void) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000IsReady: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, ready: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000RunStreaming: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, sampleInterval: *mut u32, sampleIntervalTimeUnits: PS6000_TIME_UNITS, maxPreTriggerSamples: u32, maxPostPreTriggerSamples: u32, autoStop: i16, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, overviewBufferSize: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetStreamingLatestValues: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, lpPs6000Ready: ps6000StreamingReady, pParameter: *mut c_void) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000NoOfStreamingValues: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, noOfValues: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetMaxDownSampleRatio: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, noOfUnaggreatedSamples: u32, maxDownSampleRatio: *mut u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, segmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetValues: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, startIndex: u32, noOfSamples: *mut u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, segmentIndex: u32, overflow: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetValuesBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, noOfSamples: *mut u32, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, overflow: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetValuesAsync: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, startIndex: u32, noOfSamples: u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, segmentIndex: u32, lpDataReady: *mut c_void, pParameter: *mut c_void) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetValuesOverlapped: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, startIndex: u32, noOfSamples: *mut u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, segmentIndex: u32, overflow: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetValuesOverlappedBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, startIndex: u32, noOfSamples: *mut u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32, overflow: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetValuesBulkAsyc: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, startIndex: u32, noOfSamples: *mut u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32, overflow: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetNoOfCaptures: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, nCaptures: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetNoOfProcessedCaptures: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, nProcessedCaptures: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000Stop: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetNoOfCaptures: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, nCaptures: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetWaveformLimiter: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, nWaveformsPerSecond: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetTriggerInfoBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, triggerInfo: *mut PS6000_TRIGGER_INFO, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000EnumerateUnits: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(count: *mut i16, serials: *mut i8, serialLth: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetExternalClock: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, frequency: PS6000_EXTERNAL_FREQUENCY, threshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000PingUnit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000GetAnalogueOffset: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, range: PS6000_RANGE, coupling: PS6000_COUPLING, maximumVoltage: *mut f32, minimumVoltage: *mut f32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000QueryTemperatures: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, types: *mut PS6000_TEMPERATURES, temperatures: *mut f32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000QueryOutputEdgeDetect: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, state: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, pub ps6000SetOutputEdgeDetect: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, state: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>, // some fields omitted


ps6000ApplyFix: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u16), Error>ps6000OpenUnit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: *mut i16, serial: *mut i8) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000OpenUnitAsync: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(status: *mut i16, serial: *mut i8) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000OpenUnitProgress: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: *mut i16, progressPercent: *mut i16, complete: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetUnitInfo: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, string: *mut i8, stringLength: i16, requiredSize: *mut i16, info: PICO_INFO) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000FlashLed: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, start: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000CloseUnit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000MemorySegments: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, nSegments: u32, nMaxSamples: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetChannel: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channel: PS6000_CHANNEL, enabled: i16, type_: PS6000_COUPLING, range: PS6000_RANGE, analogueOffset: f32, bandwidth: PS6000_BANDWIDTH_LIMITER) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetTimebase: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, timebase: u32, noSamples: u32, timeIntervalNanoseconds: *mut i32, oversample: i16, maxSamples: *mut u32, segmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetTimebase2: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, timebase: u32, noSamples: u32, timeIntervalNanoseconds: *mut f32, oversample: i16, maxSamples: *mut u32, segmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetSigGenArbitrary: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, offsetVoltage: i32, pkToPk: u32, startDeltaPhase: u32, stopDeltaPhase: u32, deltaPhaseIncrement: u32, dwellCount: u32, arbitraryWaveform: *mut i16, arbitraryWaveformSize: i32, sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE, operation: PS6000_EXTRA_OPERATIONS, indexMode: PS6000_INDEX_MODE, shots: u32, sweeps: u32, triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE, triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE, extInThreshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetSigGenBuiltIn: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, offsetVoltage: i32, pkToPk: u32, waveType: i16, startFrequency: f32, stopFrequency: f32, increment: f32, dwellTime: f32, sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE, operation: PS6000_EXTRA_OPERATIONS, shots: u32, sweeps: u32, triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE, triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE, extInThreshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetSigGenBuiltInV2: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, offsetVoltage: i32, pkToPk: u32, waveType: i16, startFrequency: f64, stopFrequency: f64, increment: f64, dwellTime: f64, sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE, operation: PS6000_EXTRA_OPERATIONS, shots: u32, sweeps: u32, triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE, triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE, extInThreshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetSigGenPropertiesArbitrary: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, offsetVoltage: i32, pkToPk: u32, startDeltaPhase: u32, stopDeltaPhase: u32, deltaPhaseIncrement: u32, dwellCount: u32, sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE, shots: u32, sweeps: u32, triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE, triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE, extInThreshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetSigGenPropertiesBuiltIn: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, offsetVoltage: i32, pkToPk: u32, startFrequency: f64, stopFrequency: f64, increment: f64, dwellTime: f64, sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE, shots: u32, sweeps: u32, triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE, triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE, extInThreshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SigGenFrequencyToPhase: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, frequency: f64, indexMode: PS6000_INDEX_MODE, bufferLength: u32, phase: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SigGenArbitraryMinMaxValues: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, minArbitraryWaveformValue: *mut i16, maxArbitraryWaveformValue: *mut i16, minArbitraryWaveformSize: *mut u32, maxArbitraryWaveformSize: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SigGenSoftwareControl: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, state: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetSimpleTrigger: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, enable: i16, source: PS6000_CHANNEL, threshold: i16, direction: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, delay: u32, autoTrigger_ms: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetEts: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, mode: PS6000_ETS_MODE, etsCycles: i16, etsInterleave: i16, sampleTimePicoseconds: *mut i32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetTriggerChannelProperties: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channelProperties: *mut PS6000_TRIGGER_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES, nChannelProperties: i16, auxOutputEnable: i16, autoTriggerMilliseconds: i32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetTriggerChannelConditions: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, conditions: *mut PS6000_TRIGGER_CONDITIONS, nConditions: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetTriggerChannelDirections: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channelA: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, channelB: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, channelC: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, channelD: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, ext: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, aux: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetTriggerDelay: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, delay: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetPulseWidthQualifier: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, conditions: *mut PS6000_PWQ_CONDITIONS, nConditions: i16, direction: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION, lower: u32, upper: u32, type_: PS6000_PULSE_WIDTH_TYPE) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000IsTriggerOrPulseWidthQualifierEnabled: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, triggerEnabled: *mut i16, pulseWidthQualifierEnabled: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetTriggerTimeOffset: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, timeUpper: *mut u32, timeLower: *mut u32, timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS, segmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetTriggerTimeOffset64: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, time: *mut i64, timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS, segmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetValuesTriggerTimeOffsetBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, timesUpper: *mut u32, timesLower: *mut u32, timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetValuesTriggerTimeOffsetBulk64: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, times: *mut i64, timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetDataBuffers: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channel: PS6000_CHANNEL, bufferMax: *mut i16, bufferMin: *mut i16, bufferLth: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetDataBuffer: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channel: PS6000_CHANNEL, buffer: *mut i16, bufferLth: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetDataBufferBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channel: PS6000_CHANNEL, buffer: *mut i16, bufferLth: u32, waveform: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetDataBuffersBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, channel: PS6000_CHANNEL, bufferMax: *mut i16, bufferMin: *mut i16, bufferLth: u32, waveform: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetEtsTimeBuffer: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, buffer: *mut i64, bufferLth: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetEtsTimeBuffers: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, timeUpper: *mut u32, timeLower: *mut u32, bufferLth: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000RunBlock: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, noOfPreTriggerSamples: u32, noOfPostTriggerSamples: u32, timebase: u32, oversample: i16, timeIndisposedMs: *mut i32, segmentIndex: u32, lpReady: ps6000BlockReady, pParameter: *mut c_void) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000IsReady: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, ready: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000RunStreaming: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, sampleInterval: *mut u32, sampleIntervalTimeUnits: PS6000_TIME_UNITS, maxPreTriggerSamples: u32, maxPostPreTriggerSamples: u32, autoStop: i16, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, overviewBufferSize: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetStreamingLatestValues: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, lpPs6000Ready: ps6000StreamingReady, pParameter: *mut c_void) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000NoOfStreamingValues: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, noOfValues: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetMaxDownSampleRatio: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, noOfUnaggreatedSamples: u32, maxDownSampleRatio: *mut u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, segmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetValues: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, startIndex: u32, noOfSamples: *mut u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, segmentIndex: u32, overflow: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetValuesBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, noOfSamples: *mut u32, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, overflow: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetValuesAsync: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, startIndex: u32, noOfSamples: u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, segmentIndex: u32, lpDataReady: *mut c_void, pParameter: *mut c_void) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetValuesOverlapped: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, startIndex: u32, noOfSamples: *mut u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, segmentIndex: u32, overflow: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetValuesOverlappedBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, startIndex: u32, noOfSamples: *mut u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32, overflow: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetValuesBulkAsyc: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, startIndex: u32, noOfSamples: *mut u32, downSampleRatio: u32, downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32, overflow: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetNoOfCaptures: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, nCaptures: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetNoOfProcessedCaptures: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, nProcessedCaptures: *mut u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000Stop: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetNoOfCaptures: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, nCaptures: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetWaveformLimiter: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, nWaveformsPerSecond: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetTriggerInfoBulk: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, triggerInfo: *mut PS6000_TRIGGER_INFO, fromSegmentIndex: u32, toSegmentIndex: u32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000EnumerateUnits: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(count: *mut i16, serials: *mut i8, serialLth: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetExternalClock: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, frequency: PS6000_EXTERNAL_FREQUENCY, threshold: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000PingUnit: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000GetAnalogueOffset: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, range: PS6000_RANGE, coupling: PS6000_COUPLING, maximumVoltage: *mut f32, minimumVoltage: *mut f32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000QueryTemperatures: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, types: *mut PS6000_TEMPERATURES, temperatures: *mut f32) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000QueryOutputEdgeDetect: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, state: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>ps6000SetOutputEdgeDetect: Result<unsafe extern "C" fn(handle: i16, state: i16) -> PICO_STATUS, Error>


impl PS6000Loader[src]

pub unsafe fn new<P>(path: P) -> Result<Self, Error> where
    P: AsRef<OsStr>, 

pub unsafe fn ps6000ApplyFix(&self, a: u32, b: u16)[src]

pub unsafe fn ps6000OpenUnit(
    handle: *mut i16,
    serial: *mut i8

pub unsafe fn ps6000OpenUnitAsync(
    status: *mut i16,
    serial: *mut i8

pub unsafe fn ps6000OpenUnitProgress(
    handle: *mut i16,
    progressPercent: *mut i16,
    complete: *mut i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetUnitInfo(
    handle: i16,
    string: *mut i8,
    stringLength: i16,
    requiredSize: *mut i16,
    info: PICO_INFO

pub unsafe fn ps6000FlashLed(&self, handle: i16, start: i16) -> PICO_STATUS[src]

pub unsafe fn ps6000CloseUnit(&self, handle: i16) -> PICO_STATUS[src]

pub unsafe fn ps6000MemorySegments(
    handle: i16,
    nSegments: u32,
    nMaxSamples: *mut u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetChannel(
    handle: i16,
    channel: PS6000_CHANNEL,
    enabled: i16,
    type_: PS6000_COUPLING,
    range: PS6000_RANGE,
    analogueOffset: f32,
    bandwidth: PS6000_BANDWIDTH_LIMITER

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetTimebase(
    handle: i16,
    timebase: u32,
    noSamples: u32,
    timeIntervalNanoseconds: *mut i32,
    oversample: i16,
    maxSamples: *mut u32,
    segmentIndex: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetTimebase2(
    handle: i16,
    timebase: u32,
    noSamples: u32,
    timeIntervalNanoseconds: *mut f32,
    oversample: i16,
    maxSamples: *mut u32,
    segmentIndex: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetSigGenArbitrary(
    handle: i16,
    offsetVoltage: i32,
    pkToPk: u32,
    startDeltaPhase: u32,
    stopDeltaPhase: u32,
    deltaPhaseIncrement: u32,
    dwellCount: u32,
    arbitraryWaveform: *mut i16,
    arbitraryWaveformSize: i32,
    sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE,
    operation: PS6000_EXTRA_OPERATIONS,
    indexMode: PS6000_INDEX_MODE,
    shots: u32,
    sweeps: u32,
    triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE,
    triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE,
    extInThreshold: i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetSigGenBuiltIn(
    handle: i16,
    offsetVoltage: i32,
    pkToPk: u32,
    waveType: i16,
    startFrequency: f32,
    stopFrequency: f32,
    increment: f32,
    dwellTime: f32,
    sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE,
    operation: PS6000_EXTRA_OPERATIONS,
    shots: u32,
    sweeps: u32,
    triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE,
    triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE,
    extInThreshold: i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetSigGenBuiltInV2(
    handle: i16,
    offsetVoltage: i32,
    pkToPk: u32,
    waveType: i16,
    startFrequency: f64,
    stopFrequency: f64,
    increment: f64,
    dwellTime: f64,
    sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE,
    operation: PS6000_EXTRA_OPERATIONS,
    shots: u32,
    sweeps: u32,
    triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE,
    triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE,
    extInThreshold: i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetSigGenPropertiesArbitrary(
    handle: i16,
    offsetVoltage: i32,
    pkToPk: u32,
    startDeltaPhase: u32,
    stopDeltaPhase: u32,
    deltaPhaseIncrement: u32,
    dwellCount: u32,
    sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE,
    shots: u32,
    sweeps: u32,
    triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE,
    triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE,
    extInThreshold: i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetSigGenPropertiesBuiltIn(
    handle: i16,
    offsetVoltage: i32,
    pkToPk: u32,
    startFrequency: f64,
    stopFrequency: f64,
    increment: f64,
    dwellTime: f64,
    sweepType: PS6000_SWEEP_TYPE,
    shots: u32,
    sweeps: u32,
    triggerType: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_TYPE,
    triggerSource: PS6000_SIGGEN_TRIG_SOURCE,
    extInThreshold: i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000SigGenFrequencyToPhase(
    handle: i16,
    frequency: f64,
    indexMode: PS6000_INDEX_MODE,
    bufferLength: u32,
    phase: *mut u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000SigGenArbitraryMinMaxValues(
    handle: i16,
    minArbitraryWaveformValue: *mut i16,
    maxArbitraryWaveformValue: *mut i16,
    minArbitraryWaveformSize: *mut u32,
    maxArbitraryWaveformSize: *mut u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000SigGenSoftwareControl(
    handle: i16,
    state: i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetSimpleTrigger(
    handle: i16,
    enable: i16,
    source: PS6000_CHANNEL,
    threshold: i16,
    direction: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION,
    delay: u32,
    autoTrigger_ms: i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetEts(
    handle: i16,
    mode: PS6000_ETS_MODE,
    etsCycles: i16,
    etsInterleave: i16,
    sampleTimePicoseconds: *mut i32

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetTriggerChannelProperties(
    handle: i16,
    channelProperties: *mut PS6000_TRIGGER_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES,
    nChannelProperties: i16,
    auxOutputEnable: i16,
    autoTriggerMilliseconds: i32

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetTriggerChannelConditions(
    handle: i16,
    conditions: *mut PS6000_TRIGGER_CONDITIONS,
    nConditions: i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetTriggerChannelDirections(
    handle: i16,

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetTriggerDelay(
    handle: i16,
    delay: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetPulseWidthQualifier(
    handle: i16,
    conditions: *mut PS6000_PWQ_CONDITIONS,
    nConditions: i16,
    direction: PS6000_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION,
    lower: u32,
    upper: u32,
    type_: PS6000_PULSE_WIDTH_TYPE

pub unsafe fn ps6000IsTriggerOrPulseWidthQualifierEnabled(
    handle: i16,
    triggerEnabled: *mut i16,
    pulseWidthQualifierEnabled: *mut i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetTriggerTimeOffset(
    handle: i16,
    timeUpper: *mut u32,
    timeLower: *mut u32,
    timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS,
    segmentIndex: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetTriggerTimeOffset64(
    handle: i16,
    time: *mut i64,
    timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS,
    segmentIndex: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetValuesTriggerTimeOffsetBulk(
    handle: i16,
    timesUpper: *mut u32,
    timesLower: *mut u32,
    timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS,
    fromSegmentIndex: u32,
    toSegmentIndex: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetValuesTriggerTimeOffsetBulk64(
    handle: i16,
    times: *mut i64,
    timeUnits: *mut PS6000_TIME_UNITS,
    fromSegmentIndex: u32,
    toSegmentIndex: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetDataBuffers(
    handle: i16,
    channel: PS6000_CHANNEL,
    bufferMax: *mut i16,
    bufferMin: *mut i16,
    bufferLth: u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetDataBuffer(
    handle: i16,
    channel: PS6000_CHANNEL,
    buffer: *mut i16,
    bufferLth: u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetDataBufferBulk(
    handle: i16,
    channel: PS6000_CHANNEL,
    buffer: *mut i16,
    bufferLth: u32,
    waveform: u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetDataBuffersBulk(
    handle: i16,
    channel: PS6000_CHANNEL,
    bufferMax: *mut i16,
    bufferMin: *mut i16,
    bufferLth: u32,
    waveform: u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetEtsTimeBuffer(
    handle: i16,
    buffer: *mut i64,
    bufferLth: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetEtsTimeBuffers(
    handle: i16,
    timeUpper: *mut u32,
    timeLower: *mut u32,
    bufferLth: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000RunBlock(
    handle: i16,
    noOfPreTriggerSamples: u32,
    noOfPostTriggerSamples: u32,
    timebase: u32,
    oversample: i16,
    timeIndisposedMs: *mut i32,
    segmentIndex: u32,
    lpReady: ps6000BlockReady,
    pParameter: *mut c_void

pub unsafe fn ps6000IsReady(&self, handle: i16, ready: *mut i16) -> PICO_STATUS[src]

pub unsafe fn ps6000RunStreaming(
    handle: i16,
    sampleInterval: *mut u32,
    sampleIntervalTimeUnits: PS6000_TIME_UNITS,
    maxPreTriggerSamples: u32,
    maxPostPreTriggerSamples: u32,
    autoStop: i16,
    downSampleRatio: u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE,
    overviewBufferSize: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetStreamingLatestValues(
    handle: i16,
    lpPs6000Ready: ps6000StreamingReady,
    pParameter: *mut c_void

pub unsafe fn ps6000NoOfStreamingValues(
    handle: i16,
    noOfValues: *mut u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetMaxDownSampleRatio(
    handle: i16,
    noOfUnaggreatedSamples: u32,
    maxDownSampleRatio: *mut u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE,
    segmentIndex: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetValues(
    handle: i16,
    startIndex: u32,
    noOfSamples: *mut u32,
    downSampleRatio: u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE,
    segmentIndex: u32,
    overflow: *mut i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetValuesBulk(
    handle: i16,
    noOfSamples: *mut u32,
    fromSegmentIndex: u32,
    toSegmentIndex: u32,
    downSampleRatio: u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE,
    overflow: *mut i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetValuesAsync(
    handle: i16,
    startIndex: u32,
    noOfSamples: u32,
    downSampleRatio: u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE,
    segmentIndex: u32,
    lpDataReady: *mut c_void,
    pParameter: *mut c_void

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetValuesOverlapped(
    handle: i16,
    startIndex: u32,
    noOfSamples: *mut u32,
    downSampleRatio: u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE,
    segmentIndex: u32,
    overflow: *mut i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetValuesOverlappedBulk(
    handle: i16,
    startIndex: u32,
    noOfSamples: *mut u32,
    downSampleRatio: u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE,
    fromSegmentIndex: u32,
    toSegmentIndex: u32,
    overflow: *mut i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetValuesBulkAsyc(
    handle: i16,
    startIndex: u32,
    noOfSamples: *mut u32,
    downSampleRatio: u32,
    downSampleRatioMode: PS6000_RATIO_MODE,
    fromSegmentIndex: u32,
    toSegmentIndex: u32,
    overflow: *mut i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetNoOfCaptures(
    handle: i16,
    nCaptures: *mut u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetNoOfProcessedCaptures(
    handle: i16,
    nProcessedCaptures: *mut u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000Stop(&self, handle: i16) -> PICO_STATUS[src]

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetNoOfCaptures(
    handle: i16,
    nCaptures: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetWaveformLimiter(
    handle: i16,
    nWaveformsPerSecond: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetTriggerInfoBulk(
    handle: i16,
    triggerInfo: *mut PS6000_TRIGGER_INFO,
    fromSegmentIndex: u32,
    toSegmentIndex: u32

pub unsafe fn ps6000EnumerateUnits(
    count: *mut i16,
    serials: *mut i8,
    serialLth: *mut i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetExternalClock(
    handle: i16,
    frequency: PS6000_EXTERNAL_FREQUENCY,
    threshold: i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000PingUnit(&self, handle: i16) -> PICO_STATUS[src]

pub unsafe fn ps6000GetAnalogueOffset(
    handle: i16,
    range: PS6000_RANGE,
    coupling: PS6000_COUPLING,
    maximumVoltage: *mut f32,
    minimumVoltage: *mut f32

pub unsafe fn ps6000QueryTemperatures(
    handle: i16,
    types: *mut PS6000_TEMPERATURES,
    temperatures: *mut f32

pub unsafe fn ps6000QueryOutputEdgeDetect(
    handle: i16,
    state: *mut i16

pub unsafe fn ps6000SetOutputEdgeDetect(
    handle: i16,
    state: i16

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

pub fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId[src]

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

pub fn borrow(&self) -> &T[src]

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

pub fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T[src]

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

pub fn from(t: T) -> T[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

pub fn into(self) -> U[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

pub fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>[src]

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

pub fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>[src]

Performs the conversion.