Type Definition pico_sdk::sys::ps2000a::ps2000aStreamingReady[][src]

type ps2000aStreamingReady = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(i16, i32, u32, i16, u32, i16, i16, *mut c_void)>;
Expand description
This callback function is part of your application. You register it with the driver using series GetStreamingLatestValues, and the driver calls it back when streaming- mode data is ready. You can then download the data using the series GetValuesAsync function. Device identifier returned by OpenUnit. The number of samples available. An index to the first valid sample in the buffer. This is the buffer that was previously passed to series SetDataBuffer. Returns a set of flags that indicate whether an overvoltage has occurred on any of the channels.It is a bit pattern with bit 0 denoting Channel. An index to the buffer indicating the location of the trigger point relative to startIndex.This parameter is valid only when triggered is non-zero. A flag indicating whether a trigger occurred. If non-zero, a trigger occurred at the location indicated by triggerAt. The flag that was set in the call to series RunStreaming. a void pointer passed from series GetStreamingLatestValues. The callback function can write to this locatio.