
A new type wrapper for PxSimulationEventCallback. Parametrized by the ArticulationLink, RigidStatic, and RigidDynamic actors the callbacks expect, and the Collision, Trigger, ConstraintBreak, WakeSleep, and Advance Callbacks themselves.


A trait for the Advance Callback. onAdvance() is called during simulation, so it must be thread safe, and self is not mutable. Parametrized by the ArticulationLink and RigidDynamic types of the scene it is in.
A trait for onCollision()
A trait for onConstraintBReak().
A trait for onTrigger().
A trait for onWake() and onSleep() callbacks. Parametrized by the ArticulationLink, RigidStatic, and RigidDynamic types of the scene it is in.