Trait physx::articulation_link::ArticulationLink[][src]

pub trait ArticulationLink: Class<PxArticulationLink> + RigidBody + UserData {
    unsafe fn from_raw(
        ptr: *mut PxArticulationLink,
        user_data: Self::UserData
    ) -> Option<Owner<Self>> { ... }
fn get_user_data(&self) -> &Self::UserData { ... }
fn get_user_data_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::UserData { ... }
fn enable_collision(&mut self, enable: bool) { ... }
fn get_inbound_joint(&self) -> Option<&JointMap> { ... }
fn get_link_index(&self) -> u32 { ... }
fn get_inbound_joint_dof(&self) -> u32 { ... }
fn get_nb_children(&self) -> u32 { ... }
fn get_children(&self) -> Vec<&Self> { ... } }

Provided methods

unsafe fn from_raw(
    ptr: *mut PxArticulationLink,
    user_data: Self::UserData
) -> Option<Owner<Self>>


Owner's own the pointer they wrap, using the pointer after dropping the Owner, or creating multiple Owners from the same pointer will cause UB. Use into_ptr to retrieve the pointer and consume the Owner without dropping the pointee. Initializes user data.

fn get_user_data(&self) -> &Self::UserData[src]

Get the user data.

fn get_user_data_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::UserData[src]

Get the user data.

fn enable_collision(&mut self, enable: bool)[src]

Enable collisions for this link. Equivalent to setting SimulationShape to false for all attached shapes.

fn get_inbound_joint(&self) -> Option<&JointMap>[src]

Get inbound joint for this link

Get the index of the this link in it's parent articulation's link list.

fn get_inbound_joint_dof(&self) -> u32[src]

Get the degrees of freedom of the inbound joint.

fn get_nb_children(&self) -> u32[src]

Get the number of children links this link has.

fn get_children(&self) -> Vec<&Self>[src]

Gets a Vec of the child links of this link.

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