Trait physx::aggregate::Aggregate[][src]

pub trait Aggregate: Class<PxAggregate> + Base {
    type ActorMap: RigidActor;
    type ArticulationLink: ArticulationLink;
    type RigidStatic: RigidStatic;
    type RigidDynamic: RigidDynamic;
    type Articulation: Articulation;
    type ArticulationReducedCoordinate: ArticulationReducedCoordinate;
    unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *mut PxAggregate) -> Option<Owner<Self>> { ... }
fn add_articulation_link(
        &mut self,
        actor: &mut Self::ArticulationLink,
        bvh: Option<&BVHStructure>
    ) -> bool { ... }
fn add_rigid_static(
        &mut self,
        actor: &mut Self::RigidStatic,
        bvh: Option<&BVHStructure>
    ) -> bool { ... }
fn add_rigid_dynamic(
        &mut self,
        actor: &mut Self::RigidDynamic,
        bvh: Option<&BVHStructure>
    ) -> bool { ... }
fn add_articulation(
        &mut self,
        articulation: &mut Self::Articulation
    ) -> bool { ... }
fn add_articulation_reduced_coordinate(
        &mut self,
        articulation: &mut Self::ArticulationReducedCoordinate
    ) -> bool { ... }
fn get_actors(&mut self) -> Vec<&mut Self::ActorMap> { ... }
fn get_max_nb_actors(&self) -> u32 { ... }
fn get_nb_actors(&self) -> u32 { ... }
fn get_self_collision(&self) -> bool { ... }
fn remove_actor(&mut self, actor: &mut impl Actor) -> bool { ... }
fn remove_articulation(
        &mut self,
        articulation: &mut impl ArticulationBase
    ) -> bool { ... } }

Associated Types

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Provided methods

unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *mut PxAggregate) -> Option<Owner<Self>>[src]

Create a new owning wrapper around a raw physx_sys::PxAggregate.


Owner's own the pointer they wrap, using the pointer after dropping the Owner, or creating multiple Owners from the same pointer will cause UB. Use into_ptr to retrieve the pointer and consume the Owner without dropping the pointee.

Add an actor to the aggregate.

fn add_rigid_static(
    &mut self,
    actor: &mut Self::RigidStatic,
    bvh: Option<&BVHStructure>
) -> bool

Add an actor to the aggregate.

fn add_rigid_dynamic(
    &mut self,
    actor: &mut Self::RigidDynamic,
    bvh: Option<&BVHStructure>
) -> bool

Add an actor to the aggregate.

fn add_articulation(&mut self, articulation: &mut Self::Articulation) -> bool[src]

Add an articulation to the aggregate.

fn add_articulation_reduced_coordinate(
    &mut self,
    articulation: &mut Self::ArticulationReducedCoordinate
) -> bool

Add an articulation to the aggregate.

fn get_actors(&mut self) -> Vec<&mut Self::ActorMap>[src]

Get a Vec of all the actors in the aggregate.

fn get_max_nb_actors(&self) -> u32[src]

Return the maximum possible number of actors in the aggregate.

fn get_nb_actors(&self) -> u32[src]

Returns the number of actors in the aggregate.

fn get_self_collision(&self) -> bool[src]

Returns whether the aggregate will collide with itself.

fn remove_actor(&mut self, actor: &mut impl Actor) -> bool[src]

Remove an actor from the aggregate.

fn remove_articulation(
    &mut self,
    articulation: &mut impl ArticulationBase
) -> bool

Remove an articulation from the aggregate.

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impl<L, S, D, T, C> Aggregate for PxAggregate<L, S, D, T, C> where
    L: ArticulationLink,
    S: RigidStatic,
    D: RigidDynamic,
    T: Articulation,
    C: ArticulationReducedCoordinate

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