[][src]Trait physx::controller::Controller

pub trait Controller: Class<PxController> + Sized {
    type UserData;
    type Descriptor: Class<PxControllerDesc>;
    pub fn get_user_data(&self) -> &Self::UserData { ... }
pub fn set_user_data(&mut self, user_data: Self::UserData) -> &mut Self { ... }
pub fn set_position(&mut self, position: impl Into<PxExtendedVec3>) { ... }
pub fn get_position(&self) -> PxVec3 { ... } }

Associated Types

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Provided methods

pub fn get_user_data(&self) -> &Self::UserData[src]

Retrieve the user data from the controller.

pub fn set_user_data(&mut self, user_data: Self::UserData) -> &mut Self[src]

Sets the controllers user data. If U is larger than a *mut _, it is heap allocated in a box. Otherwise, it is packed directly into the *mut c_void userData field.

pub fn set_position(&mut self, position: impl Into<PxExtendedVec3>)[src]

Set the position of teh controller

pub fn get_position(&self) -> PxVec3[src]

Get the position of the controller.

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impl<U> Controller for PxBoxController<U>[src]

impl<U> Controller for PxCapsuleController<U>[src]

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