pub unsafe extern "C" fn PxRigidBody_setMassSpaceInertiaTensor_mut(
    self_: *mut PxRigidBody,
    m: *const PxVec3
Expand description

Sets the inertia tensor, using a parameter specified in mass space coordinates.

Note that such matrices are diagonal – the passed vector is the diagonal.

If you have a non diagonal world/actor space inertia tensor(3x3 matrix). Then you need to diagonalize it and set an appropriate mass space transform. See setCMassLocalPose.

The inertia tensor elements must be non-negative.

A value of 0 in an element is interpreted as infinite inertia along that axis.

Values of 0 are not permitted for instances of PxArticulationLink but are permitted for instances of PxRigidDynamic.

Default: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

Sleeping: Does NOT wake the actor up automatically.