pub unsafe extern "C" fn phys_PxComputeHullPolygons(
    params: *const PxCookingParams,
    mesh: *const PxSimpleTriangleMesh,
    inCallback: *mut PxAllocatorCallback,
    nbVerts: *mut u32,
    vertices: *mut *mut PxVec3,
    nbIndices: *mut u32,
    indices: *mut *mut u32,
    nbPolygons: *mut u32,
    hullPolygons: *mut *mut PxHullPolygon
) -> bool
Expand description

Computed hull polygons from given vertices and triangles. Polygons are needed for PxConvexMeshDesc rather than triangles.

Please note that the resulting polygons may have different number of vertices. Some vertices may be removed. The output vertices, indices and polygons must be used to construct a hull.

The provided PxAllocatorCallback does allocate the out array’s. It is the user responsibility to deallocated those array’s.

true on success