pub unsafe extern "C" fn PxSceneQuerySystemBase_overlap(
    self_: *const PxSceneQuerySystemBase,
    geometry: *const PxGeometry,
    pose: *const PxTransform,
    hitCall: *mut PxOverlapCallback,
    filterData: *const PxQueryFilterData,
    filterCall: *mut PxQueryFilterCallback,
    cache: *const PxQueryCache,
    queryFlags: PxGeometryQueryFlags
) -> bool
Expand description

Performs an overlap test of a given geometry against objects in the scene, returns results in a PxOverlapBuffer object or via a custom user callback implementation inheriting from PxOverlapCallback.

Filtering: returning eBLOCK from user filter for overlap queries will cause a warning (see PxQueryHitType).

True if any touching or blocking hits were found or any hit was found in case PxQueryFlag::eANY_HIT was specified.

eBLOCK should not be returned from user filters for overlap(). Doing so will result in undefined behavior, and a warning will be issued.

If the PxQueryFlag::eNO_BLOCK flag is set, the eBLOCK will instead be automatically converted to an eTOUCH and the warning suppressed.