pub unsafe extern "C" fn PxSceneQueryExt_raycastSingle(
    scene: *const PxScene,
    origin: *const PxVec3,
    unitDir: *const PxVec3,
    distance: f32,
    outputFlags: PxHitFlags,
    hit: *mut PxRaycastHit,
    filterData: *const PxQueryFilterData,
    filterCall: *mut PxQueryFilterCallback,
    cache: *const PxQueryCache
) -> bool
Expand description

Raycast returning a single result.

Returns the first rigid actor that is hit along the ray. Data for a blocking hit will be returned as specified by the outputFlags field. Touching hits will be ignored.

Shooting a ray from within an object leads to different results depending on the shape type. Please check the details in article SceneQuery. User can ignore such objects by using one of the provided filter mechanisms.

True if a blocking hit was found.