pub unsafe extern "C" fn PxArticulationReducedCoordinate_setRootAngularVelocity_mut(
    self_: *mut PxArticulationReducedCoordinate,
    angularVelocity: *const PxVec3,
    autowake: bool
Expand description

Sets the root link angular velocity.

  • For performance, prefer PxArticulationCache::rootLinkData to set the root link velocity in a batch articulation state update.
  • The articulation is woken up if the input velocity is nonzero (ignoring autowake) and the articulation is in a scene.
  • Use updateKinematic() after all state updates to the articulation via non-cache API such as this method, in order to update link states for the next simulation frame or querying.

This call may not be made during simulation, except in a split simulation in-between [PxScene::fetchCollision] and #PxScene::advance.