Function physfs_sys::PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs4[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs4(
    src: *const PHYSFS_uint32,
    dst: *mut c_char,
    len: PHYSFS_uint64
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\fn void PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs4(const PHYSFS_uint32 *src, char *dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len) \brief Convert a UCS-4 string to a UTF-8 string.

\warning This function will not report an error if there are invalid UCS-4 values in the source string. It will replace them with a ‘?’ character and continue on.

UCS-4 (aka UTF-32) strings are 32-bits per character: \c wchar_t on Unix.

To ensure that the destination buffer is large enough for the conversion, please allocate a buffer that is the same size as the source buffer. UTF-8 never uses more than 32-bits per character, so while it may shrink a UCS-4 string, it will never expand it.

Strings that don’t fit in the destination buffer will be truncated, but will always be null-terminated and never have an incomplete UTF-8 sequence at the end. If the buffer length is 0, this function does nothing.

\param src Null-terminated source string in UCS-4 format. \param dst Buffer to store converted UTF-8 string. \param len Size, in bytes, of destination buffer.