Function physfs_sys::PHYSFS_utf16stricmp[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn PHYSFS_utf16stricmp(
    str1: *const PHYSFS_uint16,
    str2: *const PHYSFS_uint16
) -> c_int
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\fn int PHYSFS_utf16stricmp(const PHYSFS_uint16 *str1, const PHYSFS_uint16 *str2) \brief Case-insensitive compare of two UTF-16 strings.

This is a strcasecmp/stricmp replacement that expects both strings to be in UTF-16 encoding. It will do “case folding” to decide if the Unicode codepoints in the strings match.

It will report which string is “greater than” the other, but be aware that this doesn’t necessarily mean anything: ‘a’ may be “less than” ‘b’, but a Japanese kuten has no meaningful alphabetically relationship to a Greek lambda, but being able to assign a reliable “value” makes sorting algorithms possible, if not entirely sane. Most cases should treat the return value as “equal” or “not equal”.

Like stricmp, this expects both strings to be NULL-terminated.

\param str1 First string to compare. \param str2 Second string to compare. \return -1 if str1 is “less than” str2, 1 if “greater than”, 0 if equal.