Function physfs_sys::PHYSFS_mountIo[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn PHYSFS_mountIo(
    io: *mut PHYSFS_Io,
    newDir: *const c_char,
    mountPoint: *const c_char,
    appendToPath: c_int
) -> c_int
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\fn int PHYSFS_mountIo(PHYSFS_Io *io, const char *newDir, const char *mountPoint, int appendToPath) \brief Add an archive, built on a PHYSFS_Io, to the search path.

\warning Unless you have some special, low-level need, you should be using PHYSFS_mount() instead of this.

This function operates just like PHYSFS_mount(), but takes a PHYSFS_Io instead of a pathname. Behind the scenes, PHYSFS_mount() calls this function with a physical-filesystem-based PHYSFS_Io.

(newDir) must be a unique string to identify this archive. It is used to optimize archiver selection (if you name it, we might try the ZIP archiver first, for example, or directly choose an archiver that can only trust the data is valid by filename extension). It doesn’t need to refer to a real file at all. If the filename extension isn’t helpful, the system will try every archiver until one works or none of them do. This filename must be unique, as the system won’t allow you to have two archives with the same name.

(io) must remain until the archive is unmounted. When the archive is unmounted, the system will call (io)->destroy(io), which will give you a chance to free your resources.

If this function fails, (io)->destroy(io) is not called.

\param io i/o instance for archive to add to the path. \param newDir Filename that can represent this stream. \param mountPoint Location in the interpolated tree that this archive will be “mounted”, in platform-independent notation. NULL or “” is equivalent to “/”. \param appendToPath nonzero to append to search path, zero to prepend. \return nonzero if added to path, zero on failure (bogus archive, stream i/o issue, etc). Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

\sa PHYSFS_unmount \sa PHYSFS_getSearchPath \sa PHYSFS_getMountPoint