Crate phylogeny[][src]

Expand description

This library provides algorithms and helper functions for constructing and comparing phylogenies.

Currently, it contains these datatypes:

  • DistanceMatrix, representing a .phylip square symmetric distance matrix.
  • Phylogeny, representing a .newick file phylogeny.

And it contains these algorithms:

  • UPGMA, a phylogeny reconstruction method.
  • Neighbor-Joining, another phylogeny reconstruction method.
  • Robinson-Foulds metrid, a distance metric between phylogenies.

There is an accompanying binary rpt to call these algorithms from the command line. Run cargo install phylogeny followed by rpt --help for more details.


A symmetric square matrix representing a .phylip file.

A phylogeny representing a .newick file.


Run the Neighbor-Joining algorithm

Compute the Robingson-Foulds metric.

Run the UPGMA algorithm.

Type Definitions

A convenience result type.