Module photo::engine

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Rendering engine module.


  • Render the surface Material [Spectrum] when Rays intersect with the Scene, lighting the scene with a single sun light source.
  • Render the surface Material [Spectrum] when Rays intersect with the Scene, lighting the scene with a single sun light source, casting shadows.
  • Render the distance travelled by Rays that intersect with the Scene.
  • Render the surface Material [Spectrum] when Rays intersect with the Scene, lighting the scene with a single sun light source, casting shadows with reflections.
  • Render the surface normals when Rays intersect with the Scene.
  • Local occlusion shadowing rendering [Engine] function.
  • Render the surface Material Spectrum when Rays intersect with the Scene, colour blue for the outside, and red for the inside.
  • Stencil whether the Ray intersects with the Scene.
  • Test rendering [Engine] function.
  • Colour by the number of times a Ray intersects with the Scene.

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