Module pgx::datum

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Handing for easily converting Postgres Datum types into their corresponding Rust types and converting Rust types into their corresponding Postgres types


pub use sql_entity_graph::RustSqlMapping;



Represents Postgres’ internal data type, which is documented as:

Wraps a Postgres varlena *, presenting it as if it’s a Rust type of a fixed size.

A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).

A Array compatible type which can have it’s core::any::TypeIds registered for Rust to SQL mapping.

A type which can have it’s core::any::TypeIds registered for Rust to SQL mapping.

A PgVarlena compatible type which can have it’s core::any::TypeIds registered for Rust to SQL mapping.


Convert a (pg_sys::Datum, is_null:bool, type_oid:pg_sys::Oid) tuple into a Rust type

Convert a Rust type into a pg_sys::Datum.

A tagging trait to indicate a user type is also meant to be used by Postgres Implemented automatically by #[derive(PostgresType)]

A type which can have it’s core::any::TypeIds registered for Rust to SQL mapping.


Type Definitions